Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. Reading 200 books is not really understanding. It's just a basic step for eliminating sheer ignorance. Real understanding requires much more serious contemplation.
  2. Don't forget that the more Trump gets cornered like a rat, the more toxic Stage Red he will exhibit. Kamala will be a major threat to him, so he will get more and more unhinged as Kamala rises in the polls, which she will.
  3. Half the population doesn't know who the vice president is.
  4. AGI will not save us, and perhaps make things worse.
  5. Russia are pathetic cheaters. ALL their atheletes are dope fiends.
  6. Because I have a deeper understanding of politics and human nature than nearly anyone on this planet. I don't.
  7. Do you really think I put a bookie's intelligence above my own? Lol I didn't do all this work to listen to some depraved bookie.
  8. I don't gamble. I get much better odds investing.
  9. From my intellect. Circumstances have changed. I update my odds based on new events.
  10. Right now my odds are Kamala 60%, Trump 40%. But I expect that to change in a few months.
  11. I predict she will soon overtake Trump in the polls. It's too early to look at polls yet.
  12. This is some invented BS narrative. Kamala is plenty popular. She will be more popular than Trump. Don't confuse MAGA fascist zeolotry for real popularity.
  13. Don't ever say serious and Republican together.
  14. So you mean he's not the vapid clickbait whore he appeared to be?
  15. He doesn't need to replace all, just enough of the top ones. He will for sure replace the entire executive cabinet and all top military advisors. You have no idea how serious that is. They will all be corrupt MAGA lunatics. There will be zero limitations from Congress. Congress will rubberstamp all of Trump's bullshit. We already saw this. You guys don't understand how power works. This is not a game.
  16. Easily, just by replacing everyone in the executive and judicial system with loyalists.
  17. Death to green apples! Only a monster would eat them.
  18. Because his voters don't want democracy, they want a strongman. The fascism IS the feature! Crush the Woke. That's what Trump is selling.
  19. Awful way to vote.
  20. Don't whitewash them. They have been gerrymandering and disenfranchising blacks and poors deliberately for 100 years. Bunch of devils they are.
  21. There are no gaurantees with psychedelics, but it is likely. Just keep in mind that not all chems are equally suitable for you. Another chem may work better on you. Don't just blindly do MALT because I talked about it. It has to fit you. Just because it fit me doesn't mean it will fit you.
  22. Republicans have been trying to steal elections since forver. Nothing new here. They are just more shameless about it now. And even after Trump is gone, they will keep trying to steal elections.
  23. Because that's the crap your corrupt mind is busy with instead of contemplating God. Your mind is playing a game. The game is called: Avoid Truth By Any Means.
  24. Well then, that gives us only one way to remove him. I hope he's ready for that.