Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. Depends on how you wanna look at it. You can call understanding is its own value. That will make more sense in your paradigm. In a sense, it is an insult to God to try to place value on it. Which is why I avoid that frame. What is the value of Infinity? For me, pure understanding trumps any and all embodiment because without understanding you have nothing but illusions. What are you so busy to embody? An illusion? Okay, have fun with that. Notice: Your #1 problem in life is that you don't understand anything.
  2. @questionreality You are welcome to your opinions of me. I was clear and honest with you in this thread. You just wanted to hear something else.
  3. There are multiple subtle points on this issue: Knowing the value of a thing can require extreme intelligence and lots of understanding for decades before you see the value. The most important aspects of spirituality transcend the notion of value or utility. Understanding transcends value and utility. Understanding is its own end. You can't embody a thing you don't understand. Insufficient understanding will lead to corrupt embodiment. I see a lot of spiritual people embodying stuff, but what they are embodying is human spiritual bullshit.
  4. I took the questions very seriously. I am mirroring the flippancy exhibited toward those aspects of reality which are seemingly valueless. I agree. The quality of your life depends on you recognizing that valueless things should not be so flippantly dismissed and overlooked.
  5. Maybe you are fooling yourself there. Pics are important but you are not going to magically improve your pics by 100x. You can maybe improve your pics by 30%. Women aren't stupid. You're not going to fool them.
  6. Mostly through game. Nightlife is where you meet new people. Or you need some other social events like yoga, church, chess club, soccer, etc.
  7. I love this. This is a great lesson for you guys in assessing character and understanding the nature of material success.
  8. Value IS survival. I specifically don't play into that frame. If you are looking for value, you will never understand reality. But enjoy chasing your value like a monkey grasping for bananas. What you are overlooking is that you cannot know the value of anything until you understand it first. Understanding is more fundamental than value or survival. What is the value of nuclear physics to a baboon?
  9. Sure. I don't claim otherwise. The context of this thread is wanting me to somehow come around on Trump, Covid vaccines, or to conform my political understanding to that of bookies. There was no intelligent or serious discussion here. If you want to offer an intelligent political argument, I would love to hear it. Mostly what I hear is quite unserious. This whole thing started because I am arrogant for not taking bookie betting odds as serious politics? This is a nothing-burger. I was explicitly asked why I don't take bookie odds seriously, and I gave my honest answer.
  10. You cannot know what is useful or useless until you understand reality. And the most important things transcend survival utility. If you operate by what is useful, you are just being a survival monkey, which will entrap your mind. If you wanna keep being a monkey, always follow what is most useful.
  11. No! Don't read about him. Watch him talk, watch how his mind works.
  12. Not gonna happen. Just look for someone you can tolerate.
  13. No, that's not a competition, that's just raising your own consciousness and avoiding self-deception.
  14. @Nivsch Contemplate what makes Schmachentberger different than typical public intellectuals. You need to work with concrete examples of the stages.
  15. Yes, Turquoise is not easy to understand. I struggled with that myself.
  16. Buy the SD book and read the Turquoise section.
  17. Yes, but it's called What Is Paradox?
  18. Trump loves to posture as being tough, but that itself is his greatest con. He is actually weak on the inside. He is lazy, dumb, and soft. He is not to be confused with someone like Putin who is a proper coldblooded authoritarian. Trump is a sleezy used car salesman blown up to an epic scale. This is not the same thing as a proper authoritarian. Which is the only reason we are not totally fucked if he wins.
  19. Sold all my Bitcoin today. Made $62k. Catch ya at the bottom
  20. If Trump was as Red as you say he is, he would be a lot more violent, like a Hitler or a Hamas leader. Trump is relatively mild-mannered. He acts like a wannabe mob boss, but he is not nearly as ruthless as a true mob boss like Tony Soprano. Trump is largely a toxic Orange conartist with some Red elements. Which is why he is not as dangerous as a Hitler. But he is still plenty dangerous to democracy.
  21. @Staples Trump is plenty Orange too. People are not simple cartoon characters. Even Trump.
  22. You guys keep wanting me to stoop to your level of bias, to affirm your biases. Of course I won't do that. That's what leadership entails. Gaslighting doesn't work on me anymore. I am not going to compromise 1 inch with wrong ways of thinking. This is not CNN.
  23. That has nothing to do with Turquoise. The best straight-forward example of Turquoise in Daniel Schmachtenberger.
  24. A very shortsighted position.