Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. @Princess Arabia As a joke your initial comment was ass perfect.
  2. God is so based his pin number is 1.
  3. It is silly to suggest that in order to break up with a guy a girl would invent this "fat ass" scheme. If I was a girl I would be insulted by such a suggestion. Maybe if she's a psychopath.
  4. You don't understand how serious the issue was for her. Stop ass-uming.
  5. Have you tried contemplating God's pin number?
  6. I def know she wasn't looking to end it.
  7. As soon as I told her the truth she got so offended that was the end. The truth was a dagger to her heart.
  8. Your comment was wrong in that she was not looking for a breakup.
  9. I don't think that will change anything. I would like for it to work, but I might have been too optimistic. It's a very delicate thing.
  10. I don't do interviews on my channel. I am not an interviewer. And Ralston has no interest in discussing anything.
  11. The more I think about it the less I think it will work. The things I would need to say would be so radical he would turn hostile very quickly.
  12. That's another point against doing it. I don't think JPs Daily Wire audience would be open to any of my teachings. They would just demonize me, which serves no purpose. The Daily Wire audience is very brainwashed with Christian dogma.
  13. I thought talking to JP would be an interesting challenge. But I have watching some of his interviews yesterday and the more I watch the more I start to feel that his mind would immediately shut down ans get hostile in such a discussion. He can get quite hostile and stubborn. I am still evaluating to what degree it makes sense to engage or reason with such people. I don't want to find myself in a nasty position of casting pearls before swine. The tricky issue is: with whom can God be genuinely discussed? I'm not sure. The reason I have not done many public conversations in the past is simply because I didn't there would be anyone worth talking to because they would not understand what was being said. And I don't want to be in a position of trying to convince someone to open their mind. These kind of public conversations turn into chess games.
  14. I don't deal in any crypto other than Bitcoin.
  15. I think it's a very dangerous game to play. New Age self-deception like that is very common. If you're trying to make money using such gimmicks, there's something fundamentally wrong there.
  16. That is not a point in your favor. Conspiracy theorists will use AI to spread their paranoid BS. Haha. You have far too optimistic a view of the human condition. The corrupt people will never stop making stuff up.
  17. Because in the end most people are not total fools. At least half the population sees through Trump's BS. Hitler didn't win by majority either. Extremists often take power by overpowering the sane majority, because the sane majority isn't as zealous and active as a minority of extremists are. Christian Nationalists are effective because they are so delusional as to believe that Armageddon is coming. That delusion creates a motive force to rally people around. Whereas being sane does not create such a motive force. The crazier you believe, the crazier you will act. Whereas sane people are just chill. But crazy action is great for grabbing power.
  18. I find it easier and more reliable to just figure this out while you're sober. You don't need a psychedelic to tell you that electric cars and robots will be hugely popular in the future. It's easy to use psychedelics to get all sorts of New Age fantasies about the future of the human world. Investing requires a sober approach, not drunk utopian musings.
  19. Trump, like a typical capitalist, isn't anything. He's just an opportunist who does whatever gives him more power and money. Trump would be Satan worshiper if it would get him power and money. The reason Trump is so successful in politics is because he has zero moral qualms or principles about telling fools exactly whatever they want to hear. When the majority of people are ignorant, this is extremely effective for gaining power. Just tell the most ignorant segment of the population exactly what they want to hear, reinforce all their deepest hatreds and biases and they will love and vote for you. Trump does the exact opposite of what I do with my audience. If I wanted to have the most successful YT channel, I would tell fools exactly what they wanted to hear: Here's how to get easy sex, money, and fame by using tricks and shortcuts.
  20. That's what I mean is dangerous.
  21. That is extremely dangerous. I would never trust any psychedelic stock picks.