Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. That's not going to happen and it's silly to desire such a thing. Women don't work that way. No woman is ever gonna run up to you and ask you out for a date. Stop living in fantasies. Your goal should simply be to find a great girlfriend, which you can certainly do as an average looking guy. Get your head out of your butt and start thinking clearly about the future you want to create. Let go of childish fantasies and think seriously about what actually matters.
  2. @Simen Look, man, you fundamentally misunderstand how life works. Life is a challenging thing. Everything in life must be worked for. Rather than complaining about it, take on the challenge and enjoy it. This wonderful opportunity for you to grow yourself as a man. Getting into game was one of the best decisions of my life. Some of my best memories are from the period in my life where I struggled learning game. I had so many interested experiences and lessons. You do not want getting sex to be easy. Such thinking is so backwards. The process of learning to get girls is way more rewarding than having any amount of sex or a girlfriend. Killing yourself of this is like killing yourself because you failed to bake a cake. Simply decide to get serious about learning game. You're at the perfect age for it. You will have many girlfriends in the future, but none of that will be as rewarding as the journey itself.
  3. That would require coding that I don't know how to do.
  4. @Breakingthewall Once you purify all your personal baggage then they will be more similar.
  5. Welp, this should be fun to watch over the next year. We'll get a first hand lesson in how freedom works. https://www.theverge.com/2022/4/25/23028323/elon-musk-twitter-offer-buyout-hostile-takeover-ownership
  6. So I finally figured out the reason the site is crashing is because ya'll are downloading too many of my audio files on iTunes and Spotify. I need to buy a second server just to feed you greedy monkeys audio files. In the meantime, no new iTunes and Spotify releases. Jesus, this issue has been driving me crazy for months. You use up so much bandwidth it clogs the datacenter pipes. This is you guys:
  7. @abundance Not taking responsibility for polarization and conflict is a Tier 1 attitude. If you want to rise to Tier 2 you will have to take responsibility for such things and adjust your behavior.
  8. You need to find a replacement. Lollipop, vape, toothpick, gum, etc.
  9. They are similar in many ways. Mostly a flavor difference. 5-MeO-DMT is clearer/purer. 5-MeO-MALT has more character and flavor.
  10. Now he'll know the enjoys of moderation that I enjoy every day.
  11. +5mg increments My highest was 30mg
  12. To be fair, most medical procedures look disgusting.
  13. @DrugsBunny Sounds like your mind has some schizophrenic tendencies. 5-MeO-DMT is a great psychedelic in this regard because it is so pure, clear, straight, and benevolent. It cuts through all the fantasies and imagination. This could give you the clarity and freedom you seek. It's worth trying for you. Just ramp up doses slowly.
  14. All of mankind's problems come from not being able to sit alone in a room and think. Questioning whether it makes sense is to already be doing it. You cannot escape thinking. Wherever you go, there it is.
  15. How many pedo debates can the internet stomach?
  16. Long live the bird of Nazi voices and assholery!
  17. No one has any issue with his music. We just don't want him entering politics because his political takes are awful and absurd.
  18. Oh God... It's like buying a mansion full of termites. I'm not a Musk fanboy, but now I feel bad for Musk.
  19. Date more and you will get used to it.
  20. @EternalForest We've already established your mind is clouded with bias. Turn your back on him? What does that even mean? All that's being said is that he's a racist and a narcissist. This is a true statement. Whether you listen to his music or not is none of my concern. You are making this personal when it isn't. Compassion first deserves to go to the victims of racism before the racist.