Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. Michael Brooks is grinning in his grave.
  2. "And what do you want to be when you grow up, Johnny?" "I wanna be a master pedo debater!"
  3. It's not enlightenment at all. This video has managed to even confuse some of ya'll. Hence why it is so dangerous.
  4. And understanding does not care about what you care about.
  5. You are. And that's a serious error.
  6. I have never needed credit to rent an apartment. I've rented many apartments. As long as your credit isn't bad, and you have a decent income, they will rent to you. Apartment companies are not looking for good credit, they are merely weeding out people with a history of not paying. Dead-beat renters.
  7. Personally, my rule is to simply never need credit. In which case I don't need a credit history. But this strategy only works if you are also serious about making money. The only reason I use a credit card is for car rentals. If you do end up getting a credit card for purposes of building credit history, you have to be extra careful not to use the credit card beyond your savings. The real problem isn't credit cards, it's credit. Try to live without reliance on credit -- is my advice.
  8. Embodiment is not strictly relevant to comprehension. This is again one of those classic Buddhist dogmas and errors. There are many things you can comprehend without being able to embody it. For example, you can understand what an orgasm is without walking around in a constant state of orgasm. The demand that people can only claim to know orgasm if they are constantly orgasming, is an error. A common error you guys make here. You cannot embody something you haven't even awoken to yet. The thing you are trying embody is not even God-Realization because you haven't even realized God yet. It's like you are a gorilla trying to embody Tiger Woods, but your club hasn't even contacted a golf ball yet. How about you start with just hitting the ball once?
  9. How you feel is relevant for life. It just isn't relevant for comprehension or Truth.
  10. Self-made billionaire is admittedly a bit of a stretch, but self-made millionaire is certainly possible. Self-made doesn't mean you literally did it alone. Obviously you needed society and employees. But just consider the following example: a single guy basically made Minecraft, and then sold it to Microsoft for $1+ billion. It is very possible for a single person to invent something so useful or valuable that it is worth anywhere between $1M to $1B. As another example, Stardew Valley was entirely developed by a single guy who made over $100M in sales from it. In this case, he did not exploit a single employee because he worked alone. Marxists have no response to this. So when leftists say that all rich people are exploiters, this is factually untrue. Some of them simply create enormous value. And having employees is also not automatically exploitation. Many people would love to work on such a project for a reasonable guaranteed salary. In practice, of course, most billionaires are exploiters and should be taxed appropriately.
  11. Much stricter background checks are needed, strict red flag laws, raise the purchase age to 25+, and a serious funding of mental health counseling.
  12. I am sick even of just seeing their two faces on the same screen.
  13. Wow! Much closer than I thought! Congrats to Brazil! Unfortunately you just know Bolsonaro will call it a stolen election.
  14. Sounds a bit odd. Are you sure you don't have metal fillings or the like in your body? Yes, you can take breaks. Or maybe try DMSA instead. After a certain point you do have to listen to your body. Maybe some of these chemicals are not right for you.
  15. Why are you making this about drugs? That's irrelevant. If you take the right drug you will have a heart attack. So what? What does this prove? You can feel like shit with or without drugs. You think a cat cannot feel like shit? Let's say you do so many years of meditation you become a cat. Now what?
  16. How you feel and your energy is irrelevant to comprehension of reality. Being present does not guarantee any degree of comprehension of awareness of God. A cat has no story. But is also doesn't comprehend a damn thing, and it is as far away from understanding God as can be. Becoming a cat is not the goal of spirituality, contrary to what meditators have told you.
  17. Well, I'm am extremely picky straight man, so.
  18. You def ain't 99% straight.
  19. Practically lab grown meat is not gonna work because it's just too expensive compared to regular meat. We are a long ways away from lab grown meats being cheaply available for all.
  20. Should be fine
  21. That's not going to happen and it's silly to desire such a thing. Women don't work that way. No woman is ever gonna run up to you and ask you out for a date. Stop living in fantasies. Your goal should simply be to find a great girlfriend, which you can certainly do as an average looking guy. Get your head out of your butt and start thinking clearly about the future you want to create. Let go of childish fantasies and think seriously about what actually matters.