Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. I don't see this as a problem at all. I'm confident its possible to make a brain in a vat with no body. Of course it won't be identical to an embodied human, but it will still have AGI. Current LLMs also change as they learn. I don't see that as a problem. All that is needed to create AGI is to copy the abstract structure of the human neural network. The problem is that this structure is not yet known or understood.
  2. That would really depend on how he behaves with me. I am unsure.
  3. I am doing a lot of understanding of human behavior and survival. Profound videoes coming soon on that.
  4. Trump is not dumb when it comes to doing conartisry. He is crafty like the devil he is. There is no leftist contradiction here. We have called Trump a racist conartist since 2015 and he has not disappointed us in that regard. People doubt me when I call Trump the Devil. But devilry is not dumb, it is intelligent. So devilry perfectly describes Trump's actions. That's why I call him that, not because I hate him.
  5. No, I am not getting any more political. My goal is understanding. If anything I have gone too political.
  6. Sweet! Good work!
  7. That's the irony, ain't it? I have reached a point where I can't take humans words seriously on spiritual matters. But I am still open to feedback on improving my behavior and such. I am still interested in hearing peoples' spiritual experiences. I do learn from that.
  8. I disagree. It should be possible to copy the structures of the brain and produce AGI. How long that will take is completely unclear. I would guess 20-50 years. A neural network is not really an algorithm. It is a near infinitely complex system. And it's not like human minds have anything close to infinite requisite variety. Even Einstein's mind was quite limited and predictable. If you think about it, DNA is a finite algorithm which produces the Einstein brain. So obviously it is possible. Your DNA is not infinitely long.
  9. This is like the puddle saying to itself: "Its kind of astounding that this hole I'm in is perfectly fitted to hold me."
  10. That's such crap. Girls don't care how much money you have when they decide to sleep with you. If they don't care, you shouldn't care. Do not link love with money. That is an insanely foolish thing to do.
  11. Very unlikely. Sillicon Valley techbros are clearly blowing smoke up their own asses. They are foaming at the mouth with greed and FOMO. They cannot even get a car to drive itself.
  12. @PRai1ND1A I will get to your account soon.
  13. That could be interesting but we've need some kind of forum to host us. And I don't know that he would want to talk to me. He seems quite busy traveling the world.
  14. 1) I don't interview people. 2) There is little point for me to talk to Sadhguru.
  15. Infinity includes zero.
  16. I don't worry about that at all. People who come here are already bought into the teachings.
  17. I did not code the forum. But I modified it a lot.
  18. The data problem cannot be true. There obviously exists enough data on Earth to create an Einstein or any level of human genius. So the problem is not the data but the ineffective way current LLMS use it. The current LLM approach is brute force. This approach will definitely plateaue. But a new kind of neural network will be invented which works more like a human brain. The human brain does not brute force billions of data.
  19. He's not interested in talking to me.
  20. I am not going to agrue with such people to try to convince them that they are missing something. In a sense, so-called enlightend people are the most closedminded people on Earth. You can't teach them anything and I have stop trying. It is easier to teach JP something than Peter Ralston.
  21. There is little point in talking to them because they already understand. I have nothing to say to them. The point is to talk to people who don't understand God. JP's audence could massively benefit from a proper explanation of God. That's why its appealing. The more closedminded the audience the more it benefits from these teachings, but also the more likely it is to reject them. That's the game here. Striking just the right balance in audience is key.
  22. Your ass is infinite.