Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. @Princess Arabia Stop trying to trap us with your asses.
  2. I wasn't planning to bring that up. He would blow a gasket. Haha.
  3. He is smug and wrong.
  4. Thanks! Much more coming soon. Thanks!
  5. Leo Guru, Sadhgura
  6. I bury their corpses in the desert.
  7. Most alcohol deaths are from drunk driving by peaceful people. Yes, psychedelics will causes a few violent delusional states in some people. Can't help that.
  8. @yetineti All AGI means to me is a chatbot which can do everything a human mind can do with language.
  9. I don't know what effect this has on AGI.
  10. @Gennadiy1981 I don't know. It's so rare that we have too little data to make conclusions.
  11. Peter Gura. Leo Ralston.
  12. I was talking about murder. Of course lots more lesser stupidities will occur too.
  13. Most people are quitters
  14. How suspicious that 300 years of slavery as histroical context might play a role here.
  15. We don't need a complete mapping of the brain. Just an understanding of core features of neural networks. Transformers and back-propogation are two such features. We just need to discover more like that.
  16. @questionreality If you gaslight me any more I will ban you.
  17. @Bandman Critique me all you want. Makes no difference in the end.
  18. You don't understand what omniscience means. God is such a profound thing that it doesn't understand itself.
  19. Don't exaggerate my claim. I never claimed to know everything in detail. You cartoonishly expect me to know everything. Are you kidding? I spent 10 years telling you how difficult this work is and you still don't get it.
  20. Hence I said 20-50 years.
  21. That's because you are willfully uneducated about the news facts: Trump certainly is a racist. This is not my opinion but a matter of public record. As if it wasn't totally obvious.
  22. You still hung up on that?
  23. There is no contradiction. Intelligence is a huge spectrum. Trump is dumb relative to Putin or an academic person. But Trump is a master at bullshitting. It doesn't take much intelligence to do racist dogwhistles. Dumb right-wingers have done that forever. They do it instinctively, not through any great genius. They can't be racist directly because it would end their careers. Even Trump cannot be racist directly. He can't walk out and say the N word. But he can dance around it. I was wrong and I got no problem admitting it. I was wrong in assuming that Americans were smarter than they are.