Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. JD Vance is more dangerous than Trump. He is actually competent enough to execute a successful coup, which Trump is not. Together they make for an extremely dangerous combo.
  2. Yes. But the gap cannot really be bridged without insane levels of new awakening. And I cannot give you that part. I'm saving that material for the course. If I give everything away what is the point of the course and how do I pay my bills?
  3. You can easily imagine the difference between the consciousness of an ant vs a human. Now imagine a similar order of magnitude leap beyond the human. This would take you into the Alien.
  4. @Princess Arabia You must think illegal aliens are little green men who probe your ass
  5. Alien Consciousness does not contradict nonduality. It's just a step beyond it.
  6. Alien is most accurate. I don't know. Depends on my health which is out of my control. That's what I have always said. I told you I am not talking about meeting aliens. If I was talking about meeting aliens, I would say: "I met some aliens."
  7. 1) Not as a stable permanent state. 2) It's not about brain at that point, it's about consciousness and jailbreaking the human mind. The human mind is a very narrow thing, even after enlightenment. It is still locked into a human mode of operation. 3) Don't forget, you're not actually human. You are Consciousness cosplaying as human. So you can in fact transcend all human limits, at least for a while. Discovering Alien Consciousness is about unlocking the human mind so deeply that you transcend being human. 4) Consciousness does not have a human brain. It is imagining a human brain.
  8. Because it is alien relative to human consciousness. The reason you call aliens alien is because they are so strange and different from humans. There exists consciousness which is totally trans-human, this includes trans-spiritual-human. All of human spirituality is a very small island of consciousness within a vast ocean. Alien Consciousness is another island within that ocean. It feels very alien, so that's why I call it that. Whether some aliens in our universe actually have such consciousness is irrelevant.
  9. It's not higher per se, but harder to reach because Love is pretty obvious and lots of people talk of it, but no one has a clue that Alien Consciousness is a thing. It also deepens one's understanding of what Love is, as you can discover entirely new categories of Alien Love.
  10. And Ralston still has yet to awaken to Love. And beyond Love, Alien Love.
  11. As I have said, enlightened people are bullshitting themselves. They are not even close to maximimizing their Consciousness. Alien Consciousness is beyond anything any enlightened human understands. And it cannot be reached through self-inquiry, contemplation, or meditation. No one understands what I am talking about.
  12. Maybe he knows and we are full of shit. Either way there's a good lesson here for you in self-deception
  13. The forum seems to be back online at this point and working properly. If you notice any bugs or minor issues, let me know. Note: You will need to log in again. Old login cookies have been deleted. Note: You should refresh the forum pages you've been visiting lately to clear out old cache. Without refreshing the page you may see old data. Note: There was a day or two of data loss from a week ago, so some of your last posts or PMs may be gone. This is not a bug. I am still in the process of checking the rest of the site beyond the forum. There may be some missing functionality there right now.
  14. Maybe that's what soverignty of mind leads to.
  15. Haha, of course not! You're crazy if you think you can convince Ralston of anything he doesn't already agree with.
  16. I have read parts of it. It's not that the content is toxic per se, but that it tries to sell you the pipedream of becoming successful by working as little as possible. This would be like if I released a book called: How To Lose Fat By Eating Junk Food. What's toxic is the marketing of it.
  17. He refuses it. You can't teach an old dog new tricks.
  18. Of course. But also, he hasn't done it so he's just speculating. And calling it "toad juice" reveals his contempt and disrespect for this magical chemical. It's like spitting in God's face. A disappointing move for one of Ralston's intelligence.
  19. The crocodile has been dethroned by girl ass.