Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. Don't troll her please. She already feels unwelcome.
  2. It's totally different. My teaching isn't about me or anything human. My teaching is simply that you are trapped inside an infinite illusion, dreaming. And all I do is point out every aspect of how that illusion is constructed.
  3. Ask him if the US has alien spacecraft.
  4. The only people I see it create are fools. Show me one Christian who isn't a buffoon.
  5. Because Christianity is a personality cult, and the worshipping of a human is antithetical to serious consciousness.
  6. @puporing It's hard to take you seriously given your signature.
  7. I want to vomit in my mouth. Christian. Lol.
  8. If you really wanna understand the Christian Right and blow a gasket, watch the Netflix documentary called The Family.
  9. Of course they are. Fundamentalists have a huge advantage because they are 1) brainwashed zealots who are willing to die for their cause, and 2) they are part of very tight social networks. That's what religon offers and why it survives so well. Atheists aren't going to out-organize religious lunatics. Osama Bin Laden was also well-organized. You gotta be to survive in that position. Christians' whole thing is collective brainwashing, so they are masters at organizing.
  10. I don't claim it is highest. It's just a cool and rare aspect of consciousness that no one understands. And personally a fave of mine. You take me too literally. I don't literally mean no one. Maybe someone in some cave knows about it. All I'm saying is that it's rare. If you are looking for proofs you're in the wrong ballpark.
  11. Why should anyone here have it? The universe is large and we live on the tip of one of God's ass hairs.
  12. I don't have enough consciousness to make it happen.
  13. Because it's part of my most advanced course.
  14. That's how classic fundamentalism works. Fundamentalism is a Stage Blue backlash to the Orange and Green secularization of society and culture. Once these fundamentalists self-radicalize, they start to want a return to theocracy. That's their whole gameplan. It's no different than radical Wahhabist Islamists in the East. Christian Nationalists literally believe that Jesus is the one and only king of the universe. So of course they don't need democracy or elections, and the only laws they really care about are Jesus' laws.
  15. I understand your disappointment. I felt it when you first gaslit me about the unreality of Alien Consciousness. So I guess now we understand each other
  16. Well then, lock yourself in your closet and throw away the key, cause what's the point?
  17. The biggest vulture eaten by vultures? You don't say!
  18. Never forget: You could have been born a fork.
  19. Ultimately birth and death are imaginary. It's hard understand this without some deep awakening. So, what you're missing is that that past is imaginary. You imagine the blank in the present. Consciousnes is nothingness. Nothingness is both empty and full at the same time.
  20. Of course I'd want such a device. But I have no clue how we would go about making it. We are like 1000 years away from such technology, but for sure it will come someday. Yes, humans are extremely lucky to be as flexible in our consciousness as we are. Never forget: You could have been born an ant.
  21. Very cool! I like Bashar. Be sure to tell us how it went.
  22. There is so much consciousness beyond no-self that no-self is not even worth talking about.
  23. I just saw a video of a chimpanzee flipping through pics on a touchscreen like it was a teenager hooked on Instagram.
  24. Maybe now Ralston can appreciate why I sound "arrogant and perhaps nuts". Welcome to club Leo.