Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. Yes. Way more. Human consciousness is peanuts. So-called awakened humans are just ants in God's Mind.
  2. True Love means there are no shoulds. You shouldn't anything.
  3. Sounds like No Man's Sky, a bad game.
  4. @Rafael Thundercat Great share! Thanks
  5. Calling an awakening final is foolish. That's the lesson here. There are many, many unique dimensions, aspects, and quirks of consciousness which are easily missed. To treat consciousness as if it was some binary or linear thing is a profound error and must lead to self-deception. Moreover, humans do not have ultimate consciousness precisely because they are humans.
  6. Certainly rationalism is preferable to pre-rationalism. But there is post-rationalism.
  7. You can test your theory if you buy one of those plasma ball lamps. Touch it and feel what happens.
  8. I mean, it sounds interesting, but why not just plug at that point? Will be easier and more reliable. Sitting there waiting for it to absorb and dry seems annoying.
  9. @zurew Sorry, I've been so alien-pilled that I can't listen to humans doing philosophy or spirituality any more. It feels like listening 1st grade math lessons for me. If you find that stuff helpful or profound for you, have fun.
  10. @Salvijus It's pretty clear that she is not interested in your poking of her with your stick.
  11. @davecraw Beware of doing only mindless mechanical forms of spirituality. You need to balance it out with serious contemplation and comprehension. Otherwise you're just a mindless Sadhguru monkey.
  12. Orthodox Christianity is probably the most purest form of Christianity. But in the end it's all human garbage.
  13. JP is so conservative that even American Christianity is too liberal and open for him. Haha JP needs that old school religion where they whip each other for having thoughts of naked ladies.
  14. Surely you understand why Israeli leaders cannot accept such a deal. Hamas is a genocidal terorist organization by their own admission. No responsible military defense leader could make a deal that would assure such an organization safeharbor, even in exchange for 200 hostages. Because the last act Hamas did killed 1000+ civilians. So the calculus doesn't make sense because they could easily kill another 1000 if they are allowed to grow like a cancer. Don't be so anti-Zionist that you overlook this basic logic. To acknowledge what I said doesn't mean you have to support Zionism. Military leaders have a much higher responsibility than just freeing hostages. They have to ensure future security.
  15. Just let it go. You can't force someone to change for you.
  16. Trump is so full of shit, it's astonishing that anyone could view him as a legitmate leader in any domain.
  17. Never heard of this. So what are you doing? Just rubbing it over your skin? Explain your procedure please.
  18. I want that UFO!
  19. Nope, nope, nope. Nothing I teach is religion. And if you ever turn it into religion I will make sure that God sends you to the lowest levels of Hell for my amusement.