Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. I'm not claiming you will or won't. I'm just saying it's something you can test with if you think you can feel electricity.
  2. That is only because they lack technology and military organization to pull it off. But if they could they would. You are conflating lack of means with development level. If Bin Landen had a nuke, he would use it. Israel has nukes and never use them. That's the difference.
  3. Seems only marginally better. Not really worth switching from Midjourney from what I see.
  4. Much moreso the Palestinians. Stage Red is more genocidal than Blue. This isn't hard.
  5. But everything changed after Oct 7. Hamas want to live on and Israel will not accept that. So they will just keep bombing Gaza until it is totally unlivable. That's the situation. It's not going to change.
  6. Well, yeah, that was my point. You can't negotiate with a proud genocidal terrorist. The problem for Hamas is that if they continue like this they will simply be exterminated. Okay then. They got what they wanted: to die as martyrs. Hamas' genocidal strategy is stupid because they are too weak to carry it out. Which just means they will die.
  7. Israel IS neogtiating with Hamas. So your point makes no sense. Agreeing to a deal where Hamas releases all hostages and Israel allows Hamas to survive and continue to grow makes no sense from Israel's POV. If you had a child rapist living next door to your family, and he went on TV saying that he wants to rape more children, you would want him kicked out of your neighborhood. You would not accept some peace deal where the rapist agrees to give back the children he holds in his dungeon and continues to hang around your children while talking on TV how much wants to rape your children. It's hard to label them as anything else when they openly declare their commitment to do genocide.
  8. Those who can't appreciate porn are barbarians and project their barbarism onto others.
  9. If someone said to you: I'm gonna kill you and rape your mother. And then later said: I'm gonna give your daughter a nice gift. What you assume in that case is that he will rape your daughter too. Because no good faith actor would talk about raping your loved ones in the first place. Stage Green is so gullible. Red will rape you. They have no interest in your peace. To them, peace is just an opportunity to rape you while you sleep.
  10. Consciousness dialates awareness from zero to infinity, and anything in between. It's like a light with an infinite dimmer switch.
  11. You don't need historians. Just listen to the leader of Hamas.
  12. Hamas leader after Oct 7th: Hamas are genocidal lunatics. This is not a matter for debate or opinion. Stop trying to whataboutism this.
  13. You are kidding yourself. The top leader of Hamas did a public interview after Oct 7th where he clearly stated that Hamas would do another Oct 7th over and over again until all Jews were removed from their land. So you are just wrong about what Hamas wants. Their charter is meaningless. Hamas are genocidal lunatics, 10x worse than any Zionist.
  14. His rally people are all-in and you are not changing their deluded minds. There is no need to worry about or appeal to them. Just appeal to normal folks who are not brainwashed by right-wing media.
  15. It was and still is a bad game. It's infinitely shallow with no worthwhile gameplay loops other than grind-mining and exploring a few planets, which all look infinitely the same. You can't make a great procedural game. This has been proven many times over.
  16. Plugging DMT does not work at all unless you have some rare genetics.
  17. I am predicting that Kamala will win 2024. Trump is in for an uphill battle as her popularity grows. I just hope the economy doesn't crash before then because that could throw a wrench in the works.
  18. Yes. Way more. Human consciousness is peanuts. So-called awakened humans are just ants in God's Mind.
  19. True Love means there are no shoulds. You shouldn't anything.
  20. Sounds like No Man's Sky, a bad game.