Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. Well, in that case you are not ready for marriage, I would say. You need to get the fucking out of your system, burn through that karma.
  2. This is where training and growing some balls comes in. The reason women get horny for guys is because they crave leadership. When you fail to lead you make her vagina dry. Nothing is more pathetic than a man who cannot claim his vagina. What is the contradiction? One turns into the other.
  3. Read again what I wrote. "Grossly inexperienced with women"! If you don't escalate it IS because you are too afraid of rejection and also you are disconnected from your own sexual desire for her. If you listened to your sexual desire you would escalate rather than doubt yourself.
  4. What "nice guy" means is a guy who is too afraid to be himself around a girl because he is grossly inexperienced with women.
  5. I can't wait until some clips of PA courses, teachings, and teachers get leaked online. How ideological and biased will the lessons get? Candece Owens lecturing about how Hitler was really a socialist? Dave Rubin lecturing on wokeness? Bret Weinstein lecturing on how Covid is a hoax? Gad Saad lecturing on how women cannot have penises? Bring it on!
  6. @PenguinPablo I've seen a lot more human stupidity on YT than I have in the physical world. But hey, I don't get out much these days
  7. Is Indra's Net real? Or just another fantasy your mind constructed to keep itself in the company of imaginary others? You ain't escaping solipsism so easy.
  8. Frankly, I don't give a damn. They lost their right for me to care what they think. If they don't like it, let them vote for The Orange Baboon.
  9. The dumbest thing about all this is that Dave is God!
  10. @Hardkill Those who are homophobic are already voting for Trump. It makes no sense to overlook a perfect VP like Pete just because he is gay. That is literally pandering to homophobes. Dems need to grow some balls.
  11. Alien Vibes!
  12. The sidelining of Buttigieg it not cool. He's a diamond:
  13. @Forestluv How has your comprehension of reality been advancing? You reach Alien Mind yet?
  14. @Forestluv I vaguely recall something about pearls and swine
  15. Generally no, but there are tradeoffs for their unique mode of mind. Every mode of mind will have tradeoffs.
  16. It will be my dream come true is someone at a Sadhguru Q&A asks him: "Sadhguru, have you stopped beating your wife? Yes or no?"
  17. Be careful that you do not give away your sovereignty of mind to anyone, not Bashar. Or you will never realize God.
  18. @Forestluv That's exactly how I would expect him to respond. Dave is completely paradigm-locked into materialism and scientism, his ego is all wrapped up in it, just like the religious fundamentalists he loves to bash.
  19. You're not wrong. But after a certain point sheer pragmatics will prevail. And the pragmatics of the current situation are that if Palestine insists on acting out Red, even if it's the Israeli's fault, they will simply be exterminated. So for their own good they need to stop the genocidal threats and rhetoric. Yes it's unfair, but geopolitics isn't fair. Weak people lose their land. That's how it has always worked, and still works today. Morality is not enough to save land, you also need the military power to hold it, which Palestine will not have.
  20. Because the whole series is desgined to milk immature boys for money. And each year they milk you more and more, until there is no creativity left. That's what franchises are. Stop letting yourself get milked by gaint corporations.
  21. In this pic Sadhguru is watching porn.
  22. I will make a profound video explaining rationality and post-rationality in the way I explained science.