Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. Christians are so deluded that death may not be enough to cure them. Lol
  2. I don't know. I'm just speculating. I will become an infinite alien mind. What you guys do is none of my business.
  3. Doesn't contradict anything I said. You could go through a white tunnel and come out a devil. The reason for consistency could be that people parrot whatever New Age nonsense they hear and think like a herd of sheep. It could if you dream it. Possible, if that's what they want. Sure. Or both. There's really no limits at that point. If you dead it ain't the human mind any more.
  4. I interpret Bashar as my imagination. Ethan is the only one might has a clue. But then again, he is my imagination. No
  5. Of course there are other factors besides leadership. But looks actually do correlate to leadership in a loose way. A tall masculine-looking guy is more easily accepted as a leader by others. Don't get hung up on this stuff. Just work on what you can improve.
  6. Infinity means you can fuck your grandma in heaven for a billion years, then reincarnate on Earth as a pizza. No one can tell you that. There is not a single answer because as you become closer to Infinity you can become more and more anything you dream. If you dream of demons as you die you might turn into a demon.
  7. Keep it civil and respectful here or I will be issuing warnings.
  8. I've been fucked by it before. Just try to relax and not think too much. Comfort yourself. There's no use fighting it. It will be over soon.
  9. I don't know. Men these days are half women, so who knows what is right for whom.
  10. A pic of naked girl can make you feel something. Don't mean shit. Have you learned nothing of how illusion works?
  11. How do you know?
  12. I accept nothing.
  13. Just gradually expose yourself to more of reality and really appreicate the full beauty of the diversity of Consciousness. It's a gradual falling in love with Consciousness regardless of its form.
  14. Sure, that probably happens. You might pop out as a Pizza before you even reach pure Infinity. There doesn't have to be any consistent logical process to it. What I mean is your consciousness melts into an infinite undifferentiated field. It's an ocean of no distinction between anything. Well, you'd need to become conscious of Pure Infinity to know what that is.
  15. There isn't a middle ground. Israel will kill many more Palestinians and destroy all of Gaza. I just wish America did not enable them. I still regard Zionists as lying devils in this issue. They have the responsibilty to stop abusing a minority group.
  16. Because they are both from Toronto University.
  17. Space is imaginary. Soul is imaginary. Infinity has infinite potential to become literally anything. So you might pop out as a pizza baking in an oven. Also possible. There's no obvious straight path. You could pretty much become anything. That's easy to explain. Within Infinity you can see anything you want: ghosts, dragons, unicorns, demons, etc.
  18. How do you know? You have zero evidence.
  19. It is not a personal choice of a personal God. It's more impersonal, like physics. When does God decide when a volcano will errupt? God is not actively micromanaging your life.
  20. From Infinity there is endless possibility for any kind of reincarnation. Maybe you will reincarnate as a pizza
  21. I have several videos on the topic nearly complete.
  22. Except for death. There's not really an option. All finite things must die.
  23. Well, in that case you are not ready for marriage, I would say. You need to get the fucking out of your system, burn through that karma.