Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. It is not necessary. But for the guy in this thread it sounds appropriate. Of course if you can get laid more then you probably will. And if you can't you won't.
  2. They aren't weirdos. They're dangerous brainwashed corrupt ignorant lunatics.
  3. When you find yourself in a dream, act like a dreamer
  4. It's not exaggeration. It's what your mind is wired for. You can act like you're above it but you are still attracted to it. A squirrel likes nuts for a reason.
  5. How do you find meaning in watching a movie that you know is fake? You know that all meaning is a construction of your mind.
  6. No! Your dose was already too high! What is the point of tripping if you are blacking out and losing consciousness?? The point is to be more conscious not less conscious. These damn shamans give you crazy high doses because they don't know what they are doing.
  7. If you realize Infinity deeply enough, you will at some point realize that Infinity means there is an infinite number of Infinities sitting exactly on top of each other. Since there is no difference between one Infinity and infinite Infinities. It's a mindfuck. What you are really grasping is that quantity is a relative notion. Think of it like this: When you see a black cat walk down the street, why do you assume there is only one cat there? Why not infinite cats all precisely overlapping each other perfectly? In fact there is no difference between the two realities.
  8. I am a great example of how much leadership is limited by health. If my health was better I would be 10x a better leader than I am. And I would also have attracted 10x more girls to sleep with.
  9. There is no duality. You are God imagining all humans.
  10. There is actually scientific research that shows that tall good-looking men are statistically over-represented in leadership roles, like CEOs. That's because it is easier for them to land those roles because people give them the benefit of the doubt that they will be good leaders. Good looks IS an important factor. Good looks also signify strength and physical health, which leaders require. You can't be an effective sick feeble leader. When you compare Joe Biden to Gavin Newsom you can see how much looks matters. Biden's lack of health cost him the president. And women very much must care about leadership because without it they are raped, killed, or enslaved. So all things being equal a woman would be suicidal to sleep with a guy who doesn't look like a leader. A woman's entire nervous system is wired to sniff out such men like a pig sniffs out truffles. Of course women are sniffing for much more than any 1 factor. They sniff for a subtle constellation of factors. As a guy, if you keep failing their sniff test you get hurt, bitter, resentful, hateful, and finally violent.
  11. Women don't vilify unattractive men, they just ignore them. And that's what drives men crazy, to then vilify women. What you really want is a hot girl's attention. And when she doesn't give it to you get butt-hurt, but rather tham face that hurt, you start to hate women and rationalize that hatred.
  12. My answer to you is simple and the same as before: If you are struggling so much with these questions then you are not mature enough for marriage. It's like you are a child struggling to play basketball with the adults and wondering why. The answer is that you still have yet to grow up. And growing up is not something you can just do by believing yourself to be grown up, you actually have to go through the difficult and long process of growing up. It's not a state, it's a stage, as Wilber would say. You have to be honest about your own level of maturity and development in this work. It is easy to fool ourselves that we are more mature than we really are. Realistically, if you want a successful marriage you would need to strategize years into advance, create a period on your life where you have lots of sex with lots of people, get that craving out of your system, learn what you need in a wife, and then select a wife AFTER all that. That would be an intelligent method, rather than just stumbling into a marriage by accident. People mostly fail in life from lack of sold pragmatic long-term strategy, diligently executed. You expect marraige to be accidental rather than something you craft through a decade of prep-work. The less forethought you put into major life endeavors the more traps you will fall into. Then again, maybe you are mature enough. I don't know you.
  13. What if ONE is the greatest joy?
  14. This feels like if Joe Rogan made a university from his podcast guests. Arithmetic 101 by Terence Howard Political Science 101 by Alex Jones History 101 by Michael Malice Spirituality 101 by Ben Shaprio
  15. Oh, it's possible. You just don't want it.
  16. The one thing I know for sure is that the more God can mindfuck you, the more pleased he is with himself.
  17. There is no greater Glory than to mindfuck you into thinking others exist.
  18. There is no why. Become conscious of whatever is true.
  19. Why would God waste effort on multiple when one is enough?
  20. @MarkKol Dude, I was giving that guy specific advice for his specific issue. Then you come in here and try to spin it out into some ultimate theory of female attraction. Pay attention to the context of the conversation. That guy was having problems with leadership and I was trying to encourage him.