Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. Crime rates are way down. Pollution and smog is way down. Technology is amazing and cheap. All the world's knowledge is available to you basically for free via AI. Cars are safer than ever. Racism, sexism, homophobia, and transphobia are way down. Psychedelics are much more acceptable and accessible and better-understood. The 3rd world is doing MUCH better, like China, India, Africa, South America, even Russia. And don't forget the most important one: Actualized.org exists
  2. This is something you could say of all coaching and counseling. It's overly reductive. The practical reality is that most people benefit a lot from outside guidance, expertise, and perspective. It is too easy to get stuck in one's own mind. Learning how to think well is insanely difficult and tricky, which is why even doctors and academics like Jordan Peterson are bad at it.
  3. The biggest problem with it would be finding clients and staying profitable. Very few people would appreciate or want to pay for this service.
  4. As I said, it is good for learning formal rigorous thinking/rationality. Learning rationality is useful. Learning rigor is useful for STEM type fields.
  5. Why not Dirk Diggler while you're at it?
  6. There are no lines in Mind. You would just have a good screening questionaire and then use your best judgment.
  7. You are assuming that "physical" and "death" are not illusions. Maybe, rather than waiting to die, you just need to raise your consciousness to the point where you realize death is imaginary.
  8. Your genetics limits your consciousness. No idea. I'm not a mind-reader.
  9. People describe many different things and in many degrees. Could some of those things be accessed naturally? Sure. But certainly not all of them and not the deepest stuff, and not for the majority of humans. It is extemely difficult to have precise answers about all the edge-cases and unfoldments of Infinity. That's what you're asking me and I do not have perfect knowledge about all the ways Infinity might unfold. On top of that Infinity is extremely counter-intuitive so you cannot apply conventional human logic to it successfully. The only way to have a hope of answering such questions is through deep personal direct experience. I do not have experience of the issue you want me to answer.
  10. You have asked me that countless times. I don't have any new answers for you.
  11. You missed the whole point. Philosophical counseling is not therapy and it does not aim to address serious mental disorders. You are getting hung up on an overly narrow definition of "counseling". Counseling does not have to mean therapy.
  12. Time to get some Red examples going up in here. Try to find some healthy ones too. Red is all too easy to demonize. List of Stage Red Values: Personal power, strength, might, brute force Displays of toughness Brazen courage, valor, heroism, daring Being the boss, being #1, winning at all costs Conquering one’s enemies, domination The thrill of conquest Warrior mentality, a glorious death, heroic deeds Competitive, crush your opponents Resolving disputes with ruthless force Winning, victory, conquest, triumph against odds Ambition, playing it big Revenge Respect Loyalty Decisiveness, assertiveness Passion, action Pragmatic, direct, no-nonsense Taking initiative & ownership, personal willpower Getting things done, just do it Unilateral control, executive power Glitz, ostentatious displays, grandiosity Wants to be bigger than life Status, recognition of prowess Machismo, pride, bragging Charisma, plain talk Intimidation, manipulation, exploitation Sexual conquest & exploitation Sex as power and vanity, sadistic sex Enjoying life to the fullest Adventure, thrill-seeking, living boldly Power contests, like slapping/arm-wrestling Breaking rules, finding loop holes Breaking with the pack & pushing the envelope Stage Red Examples: Trump, Saddam Hussein, Iraq, Syria, Hitler, Stalin, Liberia, Somalia, North Korea, Myanmar, Turkmenistan, Haiti, Africa, Middle East, Palestine, warlords, mafia, Tony Soprano, Al Capone, pirates, marauders, gangs, Yakuza, violent prisoners, prison culture, freedom fighters, revolutionaries, criminals, rapists, con artists, thieves, terrorists, juvenile delinquents, ancient Rome, gladiator combat, Caligula, Nero, Roman emperors, spartan, Chinese emperors, Japanese emperors, Alexander the Great, Achilies, Klingons, hackers, toxic narcissists, sociopaths, psychopaths, lone shooters, Conan the Barbarians, Joe Pesci from Casino, Russian mob, toxic masculinity / Red Pill, vikings, Genghis Khan, Mongol hordes, drug addicts, gamblers, criminal underground, war criminals, massacres, torture, rape gangs, wild rock stars, Jules from Pulp Fiction, Joffery from GoT, Ramsey from GoT, Cersie from GoT, Dothraki from GoT, the Joker, cult leaders like Jim Jones & Charles Manson, David Koresh, Aztec human sacrifice, pimps, hustlers, prostitutes, sex trafficking, brothels, strippers, porn stars, violent porn, snuff films, king’s harems, absolute monarchs, feudalism, heads on pikes, Vlad the Impaler, crucifixion, cutting off body parts, cruel & unusual punishment, villains in movies, bullies, colonial exploitation, sweat shops, slavery, wild west, Terminator, Rambo, throwing objects when angry, cocaine, heroine, crack, meth users, suicide bombers, lesser Jihad, ISIS, domestic violence, MMA / UFC, boxing, Mike Tyson, Don King, Connor McGregor, bank robbers, the tyrannical boss, bribery, bling, gold teeth & chains, the hood, drive-by shootings, bloodsport, cock fighting, dog fighting, animal cruelty, sports fights, pro wrestling, movie Lord of War, Alex Jones, L Ron Hubbard, David Miscavige, 9/11, Oklahoma City bombing, some incels, some pickup, Jeffy rape van, Kanye dragon energy, rap music, heavy metal music, punk music, Mexican drug cartels, El Chapo, Grand Theft Auto game, graffiti, No Country For Old Men, Old Testament, Sith from Star Wars, Fight Club, A Clockwork Orange, Dan Pena, hunting homeless people for sport, Black Panthers, KKK, Machiavelli, women as property
  13. Now RFK Jr fits the weirdo description perfectly.
  14. No. I can't read academic philosophy because it is such a waste of time and so fundamentally existentially clueless and confused. No
  15. They fell in the trap of academia. They are not so much philosophers as scholars and historians. If you wanna be a scholar, it's fine I guess.
  16. Walz is impressive: Very good choice. The Orange Devil is on the ropes now.
  17. It's pretty good. But he's freaking girls out by coming on too strong and being too vulgar and weird. He needs to dial it back from 11 to a 7. Girls will not agree to go on a date with a fucking weirdo because it's just dangerous. You gotta make them feel safe around you.
  18. I know it is. But it is no business for a philosopher.
  19. A philosopher working in HR is like a Navy Seal working as a flight attendant.
  20. Yeah, actually the best way to play NMS is while watch YT videos. It's great for that. Playing it with half attention is perfect because there's just not much there. In this way I made it fun for myself.