Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. I don't know. Again, I don't call it higher, I call it different. There are many different forms of consciousness. Although it is higher than anything anyone here understands. It is not even with your realm of human imagination. You literally cannot imagine something so advanced.
  2. Green Zionism refers to the dogma and bias shared with Zionists.
  3. Exactly! All the errors of the left come from this one innocent-seeming bias. When you place anything above truth -- including social justice -- what you will end up with is falsehood. When are you learn that lesson? Social justice is not truth.
  4. I swear, you Palestine warriors are pointless to reason with. Just a Green verison of Zionism. Enjoy your dogma.
  5. It's more ethnic cleansing and domination than proper genocide.
  6. Even if you put them at Blue, Israel would be Orange/Blue/Green, so higher.
  7. No, because a genocidal lunatic obviously does not care about civilians. Hamas has denied targeting civilians on Oct 7th. You look at whether their words match their actions.
  8. No. You are falling into false equivalencies. Their will is not the same.
  9. The difference is that Gaza hasn't been nuked.
  10. Oct 7th was no hypothetical. You are sitting in your armchair and arguing hypotheticals.
  11. You should listen to the Hamas leader I quote-posted. Not anyone else. You are starting to turn into a leftist-MAGA, where I give you clear undisputable evidence and you just skip over it and carry on with your ways. There can be no healthy politics if you behave that way.
  12. Because Bibi is playing machiavellian 3D chess. Bibi was trying to destroy the possibility of a Palensitian state by any means, which includes funding their radicals and assassinating their moderates. Bibi is extremely clear about his motives: A two-state solution over his dead body.
  13. That is because values are so deep that people are not even aware of them. The reason you can't argue or logick a Trumpist out of his views is because the view is grounded in a different set of values and no amount of logic will change those values. Calling Trump weird is like calling conservative values weird.
  14. Don't kid yourselves. These shallow media narratives and name-calling are not what drives politics. This is just a distraction. People vote on values. Not silly labels.
  15. This is a failure to understand Stage Red. The only reason Hamas has not fully genocided Israel is because they lack the material resources and manpower to do it. Netanyahu is correct in his assessment of this, and leftitsts are wrong. It would be wise if the leftists acknowledged their wrongness on this point. Israel has the means to annihilate the Palestinians, but not the will. Hamas has the will to annihilate the Israelis, but not the means. So here we are. There is no need to invent BS, just say that Israel is abusing a minority group. That's what the leftist position should be. It's such a simple and air-tight position.
  16. It's possible RFK makes a deal with Trump. Trump will soon be cornered like a rat and he will stoop to any level.
  17. MAGA will certainly attempt to steal the election any way they can.
  18. @NightHawkBuzz Mind that homophobia is against Forum Guidelines. You are in the business of rationalizing homophobia.
  19. I emailed Destiny. We'll see if he responds. I could def have a deep convo with him.