Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. I acknowledge all that. But it's too late now.
  2. It's all good man, just don't use them for a few years. You will be all right.
  3. You sure love arguing with yourself.
  4. Zero progress. My focus must go on new videos and courses and endless health problems.
  5. You trying to get me crucified by the Oranges?
  6. No. But it is a complex issue. The West is largely so developed because of two key factors: 1) highly favorable geography, 2) a geography which forced millenia of intense combat which drove an arms race pressure cooker which fueled development. The West is so developed because they bullied themselves for 5000 years.
  7. So where is your Golden Age? Did the West steal it?
  8. No. Every intelligent mind acknowledges that the West are bullies. That's not at question.
  9. Nah, Destiny is smart and openminded. He would definitely be open to learning about higher concepts in a non-debate format. I can tell he is sick of arguing with baboons. He needs some higher content once in a while. Destiny is principled. He is not merely using tactics to win debates. There is deep thought to his worldview.
  10. The correct analogy is: A D-student gets beat up in 10th grade, and then blames the last decade of his poor school performance on that. That's essentially what you guys are doing here. Trying to convince us that a D-student would be an A-student if not for some pesky bully.
  11. Alien Consciousness is higher than the human experience of reality. It's like what a hyper advanced living organism might experience life like. It is both different and higher.
  12. I have no problem talking to Destiny about politics. I can help him upgrade his game with developmental psychology, which would revolutionize how he understands all of his work. I would be happy to help him. I would not debate him.
  13. I said 10%. That is a big portion. What's insane is thinking that Arabs would be highly developed if not for the West. You are living in Commie fantasyland. Without the West, Arabs would still be riding around on camels.
  14. You guys sorta have the causality backwards. Has it ever occurred to you that the reason the West started dominating the Middle East in the first place was because the Arab nations were so severely underdeveloped to begin with, making them easy targets?
  15. @Keryo Koffa God is not in control of what it dreams. You are assuming that God can just willy-nilly dream whatever your ego desires. And I am here to tell you No. At least not while you are alive as a human. If you didn't care about staying a human then you could be much more free.
  16. That's a nice fantasy but that's not how it works. Genetics.
  17. Some people report that kind of problem but I've never encountered it myself.
  18. I'm not telling because I don't want people to injure themselves. I was hemoraging blood in my lungs. That's not what happened. Of course. But not just imagination, you must gain profound comprhension over consciousness. The reason I was able to achieve Alien Consciousness was because I finally understood reality such a deep level that I could unlock a whole new domain of consciousness. Not for me. I can't speak for others.
  19. It's more like 10% western involvement and 90% inherent. You guys have such a hardon for blaming the West. If an Arab farts in the Middle East it's the West's fault.
  20. I've had enough that I stopped counting. Yes, there can be quite a bit of variety with Alien Consciousness. Different manifestations and expressions of it. It really just depends on your ability to imagine new sub-types of it. Alien kangaroo mouse is just one form. When I first discovered Alien Consciousness it was more formless and not specific to any kind of creature/being/entity. The alien kangaroo mouse was an extremely specific form that I later discovered in a trip so deep that it nearly physically killed me. No, I did not write reports because such consciousness cannot be written in words. It took me something like 350 trips to reach Alien Consciousness.
  21. Here's how solpsism really works: If you are not intelligent enough to figure out what solipsism means all on your own, you shouldn't be taught about solpsism because you are not intelligent enough to realize it, integrate it, nor appreciate.
  22. You can do it, but Gaza will be leveled.
  23. Yes, because terrorism is self-defeating. You cannot do mass terrorism and then plead moral high ground. If you insist on doing terrorism, developed nations will hunt you down and kill you no matter what moral claims you make. Simple.
  24. We should not favor anyone. But we should favor truth and higher development. No, not as much.