Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. This belongs right up there with kids who identify as cats using the litter box in schools.
  2. @Marcel You've done amazing considering your starting point and situation. Keep taking right action. Your positive momentum is snowballing.
  3. @Marcel When family is abusive or dysfunctional it's important to create distance and reduce contact with them. Do not feel bad for doing so. You have already sacrificed enough for her. You don't owe her more sacrifice. Be careful giving her psychedelics. That could end very badly. She is nowhere mature enough to handle them responsibly, and then she will blame you for whatever problems go wrong. Psychedelics will not magically fix her profound personality and mental problems. It's a bad, bad idea to give psychedelics to mentally deranged and immature people. Focus on healing yourself and getting on with your life purpose.
  4. And if they ate rats would you be pro-immigrant?
  5. Never!! Lex is but an amateur at humble-bragging next to a Buddhist.
  6. It is much easier to destroy than to create. A bullet to the head is instant. Healing a bullet to the head is iffy.
  7. Of course it is. Once you hold them as equal you will turn into a wild beast.
  8. One time I became so conscious that it seemed like my visual field aquired a 4th dimension. It was a traumatic level of consciousness.
  9. You are comparing Lex to a televangelist, which is absurd. Lex isn't preaching anything to you. He is just telling what his working values and principles are.
  10. Trig is quite simple and intuitive. If you take a circle of diameter 1 and you move your finger along that circle, if you stop at any point you can draw a line to the center. You can also draw a horizon and verticle line to the x and y axis. These three lines always form a right triangle. The ratios between the lengths and angles of three lines in the triangle vary in a very consistent and proportional way to each other no matter where along the circle you are. The trig functions of sine, cosine, and tangent simply represent the way those lengths and angles change as you move along that circle. Trig simply allows you to predict what the lengths and angles of all the possible right triangles are for any point along that circle. This is literally all trig is: You are not going to be able to understand higher math (anything beyond trig) without hours of very hard rigorous study. Your days of being lazy and just winging it in math are over.
  11. I don't have much experience of a 4th dimension. People who speak of dimensions are mostly speaking of conceptual abstractions from what I can tell.
  12. You can live with your parents for a while, get a job, and even help them pay some bills. Don't move out if you don't have to. You can save good money living at home.
  13. Stop looking for the predictions of others, think for yourself, and make your own predictions.
  14. What gives you more joy, doing biology or art? Which makes you more excited with possibility?
  15. Yeah, those are his ideals which he's working towards and which guide his work. You are criticizing a man for trying to be good. I am not claiming Lex is some height of human virtue, merely that those are his ideals and you can him earnestly working towards them. Don't be blinded by cynicism.
  16. @Husseinisdoingfine You will work on figuring out your life and future.
  17. @Husseinisdoingfine Go cut up your rope. Do it. Your mood will improve as you start taking right action.
  18. Notice, you can make it a grand narrative or a micro-narrative. That's up to you. God gives you enough rope to hang yourself.