Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. Peter Boghossian has agreed to a convo with me. But it might take months to set up. But I'm excited to talk to him. He's got a great mind.
  2. Lol. Of course. Because society is nothing but taken-for-granted constructions. Society cannot evolve without falling apart.
  3. But we could invent a whole new chromosome, inject it into your DNA and turn you into whatever we want.
  4. They don't. If there was agreement then why are conservatives freaking out about these queations? A construct within a construct. That's the power of the myth of "science". I only ever have sex with myself
  5. I don't know what that means.
  6. A crocodile doesn't know the difference between tits and nips. And where does a tit end and a nip begin?
  7. I got nips.
  8. Your cat has tits? By that logic a man has tits.
  9. Think about this: How many bits of DNA would I have to change about you to turn you into the opposite sex, or a third sex? And then realize that will be an arbitrary number and could be done in many different ways and does not need to conform to any one chromosome configuration.
  10. Worse than that, it tends to deny that it has any metaphysical assumptions by claiming that metaphysics is nonsense.
  11. I need your help to assemble a list of juicy Stage Purple examples! List of Stage Purple Values: The tribe/clan, community Family & tribal bonds, blood relationships Living together, contribution to the tribe Group activities, group celebration Honor Humility Self-sacrifice Respecting elders, ancestors, customs Taboos and customs Ritual, ceremony Mother nature, harmony Magical powers Spirit realm, spirit deities Mystery Mystical intuition Rites of passage Sacred objects & places Traditional music & dance Myth, sharing stories Retaining ancestral and tribal memory Reciprocity, sharing, cooperativ-interdependence Warding off evil spirits Cursing/hexing one’s enemies Psychic powers Out of body travel Respect of elders for their wisdom & experience Wisdom of the elders Family relics and heirlooms Religious medals, lucky charms Sacred words Stage Purple Examples: Carlos Cataneda’s Don Juan, Amazon tribes, African tribes, Indonesia tribes, Native Americans, Middle East, New Guinea, Bosnia, the Zulu, Bwiti, Hawaiian culture, Indian culture, Arab culture, Japanese Shinto religion, Tibet, rural China, Afghanistan, Aborigines, Maori, Pocahontas, shaman, medicine man, Avatar: Na’vi, Legend of Zelda, Patapon, Turok, Dances With Wolves, The Medicine Man, the noble savage, ancient mythology, voodoo, witchcraft, curses & hexes, animal sacrifice, gift economy, sharing resources, paganism, cannibal tribes, sun worship, animal-human hybrids, animal gods & spirits, ethnic cleansing, the paleolithic, cave paintings, Stone Henge, Ubuntu: I am because we are, suicide bombing, Kamikazi, human sacrifice, eating enemies, chanting & drum music, herbal medicine, Ayurveda, acupuncture, Qi, shrines, totem poles, ayahausca, peyote, saliva, mushrooms, datura, iboga, amanita muscaria, sweat lodges, vision quests, tribal tattoos, the evil eye, magical healers, ancient burial grounds, knocking on wood, lucky rabbit’s foot, black cats, prayer altars, Day of the Dead, Halloween, urban legends, fertility goddesses, astrology, fortune cookies, folk tales, fairy tales, Maneki-neko, graffiti, gypsies, face paint, symbolic costumes, secret handshakes, mating ceremonies, dowries, blood oaths, communal eating, missionaries in tribes, burial rituals, small company work environment, the Sacred Tree of Life, Don Miguel Ruiz: The 4 Agreements, The Alchemist, Teotl
  12. Sounds nice in theory, but Green tends to behave in such silly ways that people would rather shoot themselves than go Green. Green has to present a sane version of Green or it becomes counter-productive.
  13. I dismiss everything touched by the filthy mind of man.
  14. Seems like the only serious enemy is Iran. And Iran seems to be able to negotiate.
  15. Not quite. The old colonial days are over. Eradicating nations is also not workable these days. Times change.
  16. No, because those two issues are clear and settled. I am not going to engage in low cognitive BS.
  17. Because I don't wanna spend a week walking around in an overcrowded sandy oven.
  18. No. Stop it! Stop imposing your human crap on Consciousness. Let Consciousness be free. It's like I show you a beautiful alien bird in a magical forest and you grab it with your dirty paws and put it into your cage. Bad human.
  19. I have not attended but I would recommend it. It would grow you. Burning Man is peak Green on steroids.
  20. Yes. Although, again, there is not one "Awakening", there are hundreds of varieties of them at least. They are not arranged in any hierarchy.
  21. Yes, I know. Don't forget the rape and torture that happened in American prisons in Iraq. That doesn't mean America ain't Orange. Prisons during war are nasty, godless places.
  22. Yes That's how it seems to work. Probably. It's hard to compare them. There is what we could call a "pure" Infinity Awakening where you just become an infinite formless singularity. It feels like being a White Hole. It has no form at all but it contains simultaneous consciousness of all possible things as pure abstraction. This would be consciousness at its purest peak. It's amazing, but Alien Consciousness is more "colorful", exotic, and beautiful to me. It's way more creative and clever.
  23. Of course not. But it can weed out folks who are not too bright. IQ gives a very vague, loose sense of intelligence up to a point, after which it completely breaks down.