Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. Obviously Destiny has to hold strong mental attachments to do the job he does. If he realized Awakening he would have to quit his job. Who is Destiny debating?! Himself! He has to deny that.
  2. @Bobby_2021 If you would just go to Google and type in "largest economy in the world" you would see the simple answer.
  3. That's the whole problem. You are not even conceiving of the trans situation. For you it is purely theoretical. Like you cannot understand what it's like to have multiple personality disorder. Hence why you're not trans, as 99% of folks are not. There are many. This is a super complex question. At the very least you need to have the self-image of yourself as a man. But that's not guaranteed. You take it for granted. Who said so? Man and woman is critically not merely an issue of whats but whos. But you are overlooking that your body IS who and what you are -- also. Who you are on the inside is dictated by what you are on the outside. Because inside and outside is a relative distinction. If you had the body of a baboon your whole sense of self and life would be different.
  4. Being human is more than just a label. It's a very loaded label that points to a state of consciousness. You inhabit a "human" state of consciousness, which dictates your whole life. You can stop labeling yourself human but you will still be stuck in your usual state. Likewise, you could say you aren't a man or woman, but your sexual desires will not change one bit. And those sexual desires run half your life. But it's also possible to transcend holding yourself as a human, which is different from just not using a label or adopting a silly belief like that you are a unicorn.
  5. There is not a clear line but you can get an intuitive understanding and have insight into the nature of women. This insight is not "anything goes". There are clear patterns to how women operate.
  6. Yes, it's going to be tough and I don't have any magic words that will make it easy. How to love deeper? That's explained in my video: How To Practice Love
  7. It's in the right direction. But you also have to be careful not to treat being a woman as "anything goes" or "it's just whatever I think or want it to be".
  8. It does not mean that you will necessarily be able to reverse his injury.
  9. I actually wanna talk to some atheists.
  10. He is a strong critic of post-modernism, so that "hoax" was his attempt to show the low standards of post-modern journals. Not that I endorse such things, but it's not like Boghossian faked a serious research paper.
  11. What does "pals" mean? What I see from Boghossian is him doing serious epistemic questioning. I don't really know who his "pals" are. Molyneux was banned for talking about race IQ. As a libertarian his worldview is silly, but his videos were nothing bad when I watched them on YT. I consider Ben Shapiro's network worse.
  12. But the whole trans issue is that some people are born as legit edge-cases where their psychology does not match their biology. And your line of logic pretends like these people do not exist simply because your mind is so rigid that it cannot think beyond binaries. It's like you are saying, all ravens are black. But 1 out of 10,000 ravens is blue, and when I point this out to you you say, "Nah, that's not a real raven because everyone knows that ravens must be black." The problem is that all ravens are not black and you are pretending like they are and making appeals to "science". But the science shows that not all ravens are black. No one is making the case that you should stop calling most women, women. The case being made is that you should recognize that your category of "woman" is oversimplified and will have exceptions, and to respect those exception rather than attacking blue ravens.
  13. I don't really want to. Sorry. People are not mature enough to handle it.
  14. That makes it all the more interesting. However skeptical Destiny is, I promise that I am more skeptical than him.
  15. Doesn't bother me. I have no problem talking to an intelligent conservative.
  16. That's not clear at all. You are biasing baby-making over female psychology. There is no reason why one is above the other. In fact, most of your sense of being a man/woman is in your head, not your genitals.
  17. @Bobby_2021 The Chinese economy is not larger than the US economy in terms of the value it produces. It makes no difference what currency you measure that value in. You could measure it in beaver pelts.
  18. Why are you citing PPP? That is not a proper GDP measurement. It's like you go out of your way to cherrypick misinformation.
  19. Please keep the wacky shit to a minimum. This is not a circus.
  20. Surmised is not direct consciousness.
  21. Well, that is him saying something opposite. So you'll have to take that up with him. I don't answer for Wilber.
  22. What happens if we cut off a woman's head and sow it onto a man's body? Is that a man or a woman? You see, whatever notion of man or woman you have must ultimately collapse because it never had any metaphysical grounding to begin with. There simply is no objective fact in the universe about what constitutes "a woman". But people want their to be because otherwise their worldview will implode. Here's a mindfuck question you can contemplate: Who was the first woman to ever exist? How would you identify her out of all the other hominids?
  23. That is not solipsism and that is not what Wilber said.