Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. That's only cause you are a good mom.
  2. If it suited their purposes, conservatives would deny that Kamala was black. Which is what Trump literally did last week. Post-truth indeed.
  3. You should consider, though, how many people Communism killed in China. Don't forget why Vietnam was fought: to stop Commumism from spreading like a virus. That virus still exists in North Korea. Meanwhile South Korea is 100x as prosperous. North vs South Korea clearly demonstrate what the Vietnam War was really about. In politics, nothing is as simple as it seems.
  4. By that logic China is a mustache-twirling monopolist.
  5. What if your kid was born a bat-boy? Would you still love him?
  6. My empathy is in helping your mind not fall into self-deception. If you don't understand that, you missed everything I ever did.
  7. That shows a lack of understanding of intersex people and people suffering from gender dysphoria. The ones who politicized this issue so much were people like you who have zero empathy or understanding of what it's like to have gender dysphoria. When your whole idea of women is tits and vagina, you have no mental capacity to understand complex phenomena like intersex or gender dysphoria.
  8. Dude, are you seriously comparing my 3hr long lectures with what Destiny does? And FYI, yeah, my Awakenings wrecked my ability to crank out swill for YT.
  9. @OBEler Learn what I learned and just don't push solipsism on people. If they don't want it, it ain't for them to know.
  10. No one is going to "tell you the truth". You can speculate till you turn into Alex Jones, but still you will not know.
  11. #CancelTheMongols! #BoycotMongolia
  12. It does if your whole career is built on arguing with unconscious fools.
  13. You are in luck. Both are coming!
  14. I understand how simpletons see it, but my job is to teach people how to reach construct-awareness. I am not a political culture warrior, I teach humans how to attain the highest stages of cogntive development. You simply can't make sense of reality if you believe that man/woman is some objective fact that exists in nature. That's why I bring up this issue.
  15. Taught you how to distinguish chromosomes?
  16. How did you know what a woman was before you learned biology?
  17. I am inventing a new worldview. It is called allipsism, wherein everyone else is real except you. None of you galaxy-brains dared to imagine that before.
  18. Hodge Twins: tits, vagina, with painted nails.
  19. That sounds like I will have to sort through some very cringe stuff.
  20. That's exactly what conservatives do on the trans issue.
  21. I'm about to record it.
  22. If we put your brain in a kangaroo body, would you be a kangaroo? Contemplate!
  23. Hehe. How about you research how China bullies in Tibet, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and the Uygers?