Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. Crocodile: Advanced metaphor for the deceptive nature of consciousness.
  2. Go watch 10hrs of serious Elon Musk interviews. That is my counter-argument.
  3. You are talking about leadership. To be a leader you have to lead, YOU have to tell us the solution, we shouldn't be telling you the solution. A leader is someone who comes up with solutions that others do not see and then convinces others to see as he does.
  4. That's the wisest thing anyone has said here so far. Go watch an hour-long interview of Musk talking about his work, and listen to it without judgment.
  5. The lack of quality thinking here is so disappointing that I don't even want to bother reasoning against it. Enjoy your Musk-trashing circle jerk. I'll be watching you from the clouds, where the air is crisp.
  6. They should all it Sense of Other. Theory of Mind is such a bad label for it.
  7. So what? That is not a conartist. Does he BS himself about free speech? Of course. This is a low quality Green perspective on Musk.
  8. Twitter makes people into lunatics. It's a bad idea to understand people based on the Twitter memes they share.
  9. Trump is so depraved I don't think he believes he is saving the world. It's all cynical for him. He thinks his supporters are suckers.
  10. If you want mastery you should focus on quality over quantity.
  11. When Shakespeare wrote, "Thou doth protest too much", he was speaking of right-wingers.
  12. That has nothing to do with conartistry. Those are just Musk's polticial biases. So what? He is allowed to be biased. You guys need to get over this idea that everyone needs to fit your leftist ideals. No. This is Green self-deception.
  13. I agree with that. Pro sports should have hormone level cutoffs.
  14. Because leftist policies are aimed at increasing equality and most people suffer from the inequality that conservatives rationalize.
  15. Musk is not a conartist. Be careful with leftist narratives about Musk. If you actually listen to Musk with charity, you would see he's serious and thoughtful. He just doesn't fit your leftist agenda.
  16. I don't have much to say here because I don't know exactly what you realized, and I don't want assume stuff.
  17. I once got so dizzy from doing Sadhguru's yoga that I fell backward and nearly cracked my head open. Spirituality can kill ya in more ways than one if you get sloppy with it. #SadhguruDeathYoga
  18. Fact check: Boxing in France did not involve a trans athlete.
  19. That is a point in their favor though. You don't wanna see what things would look like if it all fell apart.
  20. Omg, you are not seriously gonna simp for North Korea and blame that on the West. I can't.
  21. That's only cause you are a good mom.
  22. If it suited their purposes, conservatives would deny that Kamala was black. Which is what Trump literally did last week. Post-truth indeed.
  23. You should consider, though, how many people Communism killed in China. Don't forget why Vietnam was fought: to stop Commumism from spreading like a virus. That virus still exists in North Korea. Meanwhile South Korea is 100x as prosperous. North vs South Korea clearly demonstrate what the Vietnam War was really about. In politics, nothing is as simple as it seems.