Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. @Bandman I'm sorry you're facing such health problems and dispair. I understand suffering from health problems. The point of my statement above was merely to point out the truth of not-knowning. It's important in this work not to fool ourselves with beliefs and fantasies about things we lack experience with. In this case all you have to do is to be honest with yourself: do you actually know what death is? The answer is probably no. So then the best attitude is one of not-knowing and openness. But there is still the possibility for Awakening and higher consciousness where you might come to a direct insight into the nature of death. So my advice would be that if you want a better understanding of death, pursue Awakening. And if you are suicidal, seek out help and support from others. Don't leave the forum. Isolating yourself is not good for your condition.
  2. @Forestluv You are a good teacher.
  3. I agree that can be a problem. It's important not to turn gender issues into a dogma but genuinely seek out what is right for the individual child. It can't be a simplistic formula.
  4. Trump is self-imploding because his ego is out of control. And that is fundamentally why he should never be allowed in office, because he is incapable of controlling his own stupid narcissitic impulses. He has the ego development of a 12 year old child.
  5. Waiting? It's already over and it was shit.
  6. I mean hardcore retreats (for meditation). Or years of consistent Kriya yoga. I don't compare to psychedelics. There is no comparison for that.
  7. Your biggest problem is that you have no idea if it will work as you imagine it will. You really wanna kill yourself on a belief? What if you kill yourself and turn into a piece of poo?
  8. For yoga or meditation to be effective it has to be done rigorously and methodically in huge quantities. Dabbling in it will not produce much if any results. It's all or nothing sorta thing. I am not a yoga teacher. To get results from meditation requires doing hardcore retreats.
  9. I was an atheist, until I realized Infinity thanks to 5-MeO-DMT.
  10. To be clear, I never said you shouldn't do yoga or whatever practice you have. I merely made a comment about the way I saw people doing spirituality at Isha. I am NOT disputing the benefits of yoga. Nor am I saying Sadhguru is bad.
  11. Could happen, but you can't avoid parental duty in this case. Parents could err in either direction. And mostly parents err in the direction of demonizing their children because the parents are closedminded and brainwashed with right-wing transphobia. I'm all for a significant therapy requirement prior to surgery being allowed. This would be a good safeguard. But this will not appease right-wingers who oppose trans on existential dogmatic grounds.
  12. Please stop piling onto this "debate" or commenting about Emerald. Just move on. This is derailing the thread. If you want to debate Elon Musk, start a new thread.
  13. If you want to do brainless conformist spirituality, go ahead. But that is not what I do or teach.
  14. @Emerald You literally wanted me to debate you. I wisely refused. Now I am the scapegoat. All that noise just avoid watching some videos. Sigh...
  15. That's mostly what happens now. It's not like a kid is paying for his own penis surgery in secret.
  16. Your position was that you didn't want kids to receive any transition treatment.
  17. @Emerald I was never in an argument with you. And I do not care about winning anything here.