Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. Tyson should read what Albert Einstein has to say about philosophy and epistemogoly. Albert Einstien literally credits all his discoveries to the fact that early in his youth he studied a book about epistemology. Albert Einstein said that "without epistemology science is blind." Kurt Godel said the same thing about mathematics. If you actually study HOW the great scientists made the most groundbreaking and important discoveries you will see it's by deeply questioning existing dogma and assumptions. That's how a serious scientist thinks. Because you CANNOT make groundbreaking discoveries within science without a deep reexamination of your metaphysical assumptions about reality. Which is why current physics is stuck with string theory, QM, quantum gravity, and cosmology. None of the modern physicists have the philosophical depth necessary to question the core metaphysical assumptions that keep science stuck. "Shut up and calculate" does not actually produce any understanding and is career malpractice for a serious scientist. Which is why Tyson will never make any groundbreaking discoveries.
  2. Teal Swan just wants a demon who earns more money than Satan.
  3. Utter nonsense. Frank Yank and Shinzen Young are NOT AWAKE. What they teach is NOT AWAKENING. I am sick of these delusional gaslighting wannabe Buddhists. Never speak to me of such people. The entire Daniel Ingram game that those Dhrama Overground people are playing is just self-deception. If you take that stuff seriously you will never wake up.
  4. @mr_engineer You are shooting yourself in the foot.
  5. You wouldn't believe her. What every woman wants is profound love. The very thing that all your online Redpill crap has made it impossible for you to give her.
  6. Good name for a rock band.
  7. It's not merely some blind optimism, you need to build a rock solid inner game grounded in core principles. That produces massive improvement in results.
  8. @The Redeemer As you support yourself more, others will start to want to support you. People want to be friends with value-providers not value-leechers. You need to develop yourself into a massive value provider.
  9. In that case you can support yourself.
  10. But you can build your own understanding that is unique from mine.
  11. You cannot effort your way into the highest levels of consciousness. Just like you cannot effort your way to walk to Mars.
  12. You're a horned out teenager full of hormones. What is there not to grasp here?
  13. Why should anyone give you anything?
  14. @Chives99 You should not worry about any individual conversation. But you should worry if your conversation skills in general are poor and turn people off. Basically you need to place your focus on improving your conversation skills and forget the rest. You don't worry just for sake of worrying. You invest your mental energy analyzing how to improve your conversation skills a bit more with each interaction. You analyze for points of improvement. And there's always room for improvement. Enjoy the master process. Don't make it about the girls.
  15. If a woman is reading this thread she is rolling on the floor laughing. How do you guys come up with such nonsense?
  16. Scarcity mindset. But hey, do what makes you comfortable. Hoard your LP all you want. And if you ever find someone else with your LP then you slit his throat in the middle of the night while he's sleeping.
  17. No. You can achieve that with relatively low levels and lots of training and discipline. Most of what people call high consciousness is just a ton of training and discipline. But no amount of training and discipline will get you to the highest stages of consciousness because it's not really about you.
  18. What understanding is, is such a profound thing, that no one here understands it. Understanding is a trans-human, trans-intellectual, trans-linguistic, trans-logical function of Universal Mind itself. There is absolutely no substitute for pure understanding. When I say understanding, I mean INFINITE MIND comprehending itself. This both includes words and mental images but also transcends them. You will never understand what I understand no matter how many words I say.
  19. This is not something to be proud of. The more conscious you get the smaller doses you need to feel its effects.
  20. Sorry, but that's just not within my area of knowledge. If I had to guess, if you already survived Covid once I think you shouldn't worry too much about it. But I don't know your unique health situation. I just don't see how you can realistically hide from it at this point. At some point you gotta say Fuck it and get on with your life. The only reason for being cautious about Covid was early on in order to get the vaccine. But if you're not getting a vaccine or you already got one, then there's really nothing more you can do other than stay generally healthy with good diet and exercise. And at that point if it kills you it kills you. What else can you do? You can't live in fear your whole life.
  21. Not sure how true that is, but if it is true it sounds to me like the fluidity and imagination capacity of consciousness is tuned down vs tuned up. When Consciousness is fluid it is more wavey and dream-like and has a tendency to hallucinate. When Consciousness is solid it's very dense and material, like a rock, and it doesn't hallucinate anything besides that rock. Schizophrenia is like being half in sober life and half in a dream. Or, like being on a psychedelic.
  22. Gazing through wormholes in GOD's mind
  23. I like to get high by smelling my own farts.