Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. Off the top of my head I cannot think of any philosopher who understands reality better than Ken Wilber other than me. No one has suggested you only use one model. There's room for dozens of models. But I have not seen anything within Nietzche or Jung that is remotely as accurate and useful as Spiral Dynamics.
  2. So what? They still have no problem socializing. It is no girl's job to be good at flirting with you for your sake. Has it crossed your mind that the reason she isn't good at flirting with you because she's not even interested in you?
  3. I have never spoken of seeing aliens. I am talking about degrees of consciousness which are 100x more intelligent than anything a human can think or know. This is completely different from fantasizing that you are some Arahat or Buddha. Anyone who calls himself an Arahat is human fool playing human games. People come here claiming to be Arahats? Well, I have become a disembodied Alien Intelligence. So excuse me for laughing at you.
  4. You laugh and tell them that you're a convicted murderer.
  5. Ken Wilber has done amazing work though. He's one of the few philosophers who have a clue what reality is. Anyone who would dismiss the insane value in Ken Wilber's work is not serous. You just have to never forget that all models are limited. As far as explaining general human behavior we have no better models as far as I have seen. So really the burden is on any critic to provide a better model. If you think Spiral Dynamics is bad, you tell us a model that's better, or pipe down with your whining.
  6. In practice hot girls will never have a shortage of socialization opportunities unless they happen to be exceptionally introverted or dysfunctional.
  7. @gettoefl That's true if you develop serious spine and you completely free yourself from the opinions and judgments of all humans. But that is a very rare thing which almost no one here has developed. And my job is to help you develop it. Expecting people to just have that developed is an absurd expectation and a disservice to many students. It's been challenging even for me to handle all the spiritual gaslighting I've gotten. It can drive you crazy. So it's a very serious and important topic to cover. My new course will include a whole training just to counteract all the spiritual gaslighting you will receive if you attempt to go all the way.
  8. He's not wrong about that. His mind barely works. The reason no scientist takes massive doses of psychedelics is because they would be UTTERLY DESTROYED.
  9. I ought to throw a dead skunk at you. How dare you spread your evil in front my eyes. Banned.
  10. Here's the thing: if stage models are BS, how come they do such a good job at predicting how humans behave? Especially in political matters. You can use these models to predict humans like zombies. It only starts to break down at Tier 2. Tier 1 is super predictable though. So it is for this reason that I taught these models. Even my some of my sharpest critics say that my Spiral Dynamics videos were genuinely helpful to them. The model is so useful it would be negligent not to teach it.
  11. Who ever relies soley on feelings? Even girls are not that crazy.
  12. I do that but it has nothing to do with my gender.
  13. Of course girls are online and play video games too.
  14. It's not that he holds back truths, it's just that given his role he doesn't even have the intellectual curiosity to pursue deep truths. Because if he found them and then started talking about them it would tank his career. It's not like McDonalds does not know how to cook a gourmet $20 burger. They could easily make one. But their audience wouldn't want to pay for it. So McDonalds chefs don't even bother making quality food. Many people in media are deeply audience-captured. Few people do what I do, which is deliberately piss off half my audience.
  15. Spiral Dynamics certainly is over-simplified and has it's problems. But the 9 Stages Of Ego Development is really phenomenally accurate as far as individual development stages go.
  16. Standing me for that long is quite the achievement. Personally I'm only at stage 3 of the Leo spiral.
  17. Yeah, but I have dozens more brilliant and hilarious openers.
  18. When I die I'm taking ya'll with me whether you're ready or not
  19. Stop caring what any girl calls you. Don't take it seriously. It's just a joke.
  20. Mostly not because I covered it quite well. I was thinking of doing a video of Leo's Favorite Openers just for fun.