Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. It's an interesting perspective. But here's another: Don't pander to women. Focus on your life purpose.
  2. I would tell all scientists do die, but I don't want to dignify that any of them exist in the first place
  3. That's personal baggage you gotta process and get out of your system.
  4. The answer to your question is simple: I like to amuse myself as I watch mankind bumble around like zombies in the dark. Otherwise I'd be depressed. I'm not going to take humans too seriously. And the more deluded they are the less seriously I will take them.
  5. Usually once it has reached that level the recipients are getting a ban. So I don't expect them to be laughing. I identify people who are lost-causes and cannot be cured through any amount of dialogue and then I don't waste my dialogue on them. Unless other spiritual teachers, I will not waste my words on anyone who I deem is too closedminded to receive them. It is very obvious to me who here is incapable of listening to things I say, and also those who are here to spread delusion and corruption.
  6. Not everyone, but certain people, of course. What am I supposed to do? Act like those people are intelligent and serious? I deliberately do not dignify unserious people with my seriousness. Some of you guys expect me to respect human nonsense. Which I will not do.
  7. You should notice that I rarely say such things randomly. They are said in extreme circumstances for didactic purposes.
  8. I have never called anyone that here and I never will. Don't strawman me. Once in a while I call someone a rat or the like. Notice that when I call someone a name it's done in a cheeky way to highlight the absurdity of the situation.
  9. @Someone here Some of you guys don't appreciate my wicked sense of humor. Don't take this too seriously. If I'm gonna ban someone I'm gonna have some fun doing it. Otherwise what is my payoff for dealing with such nonsense? Please enjoy the show.
  10. I know what you're talking about. I had that sort of panic reaction the first time I tried 5-MeO-DMT. It's a panic response. You need to learn to control your mind, relax, and stay calm during a trip. If you let your mind run wild you will start to panic and devolve into all sorts of madness. Obviously the larger the dose the more likely you are to panic and lose control of your mind. We've all made that mistake more than once. Haha
  11. Yes. Contemplation can involve speculation. But contemplation is more about generating insights whereas speculation is more like imagining random nifty scenarios. Speculation is more like a brainstorm that isn't grounded in anything.
  12. That's a tricky question because it depends on how you define feelings vs intuition. If you regard intuition as just a feeling than yes. But usually feelings are a lot more than intuition, and intuition is something more sophisticated than just some run of the mill feelings.
  13. I don't really see what you're asking. You can ask the same question many times and get many different insights and depths of answer. So it's not a waste of time. Sometimes you gotta questions your answers more and more. Sometimes the answer is already good enough. It just depends. The quality and clarity of your answers will vary. Sometimes the answers will be good enough but most of the time they will be vague and unclear, or even wrong.
  14. We had a nondual coach guy on here some years ago calling himself WinterKnight. One of those self-inquiry monkeys. Eventually he started claiming that God does not exist. Naturally I had to ban this buffoon masquerading as Awake. He left calling me a delusional narcissist. And I'm sure he will keep believing that to his grave. What am I supposed to do with such people? How nice can I be to them as they spread their self-deceptions like a cancer?
  15. That is correct. I am God and God is an Alien Intelligence. You can be that too if you are clever enough to avoid all Buddhist and nondualist traps. There is validity to it of course. There is also validity to rat consciousness that makes you a rat. But Buddha consciousness does not surpass my consciousness. They are kidding themselves about that and I'm just rudely pointing it out to them. The reason I'm doing it rudely is because they completely dismissed me when I did it politely. Now at least their ears perk up out from their arrogant delusions. That's exactly correct. Well thank you. But I don't regard myself as a prophet. I'm just a guy who's good at understanding stuff. In order for you to Awaken it's important that you don't place me above you.
  16. This just sounds so wrong. If you don't respect them so much then why are you there at all? It's you who's coming off like a creeper here. Those folks are just trying to help themselves and you are lurking in the shadows like a vampire.
  17. I don't know of any Jung model that is better than Spiral Dynamics.
  18. I'm pretty sure a gun kills 6ft people as easily as it kills 5ft people.
  19. I do see wisdom in it, especially Jung. It's just not relevant to this topic.
  20. I have talked to somewhere close to 5000 girls. I have never been in a fight.