Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. There are many LSD analogs.
  2. Then how come there are so many Buddhists running around?
  3. @mr_engineer Dude, stop worring about long-term relationships. Sleep with some women first. You are putting the cart before the horse.
  4. Strictness can be good. It just depends on your style. Some personality types are well suited to strictness and others are not. I am not. Your manner of work must suit your personality type.
  5. Round up every Buddhist, throw them into a cesspool full of crocodiles, and close the whole thing with an airtight lid.
  6. Alternative method is to poke it with a pitchfork.
  7. Yup, but they change that image all the time.
  8. The last movie I watched was Pig. Pretty good.
  9. "Where have you been all my life?"
  10. Enlightenment certainly does not obviate stage development. Ken Wilber is right to stress this point.
  11. Don't overplay it. I am still nice the vast majority of the time and I will be nicer in the future as I mature. Just because I call someone a rat once in a while doesn't mean anything.
  12. Not all valuable things are built bit by bit. Your main things like career can be worked on 8hrs+ per day. If you are working hours at a time on a thing you can create some amazing results within just 2-4 years. But other things require a slower development time with less hours. Also, I recommend you don't be too rigid about all this. I have rarely ever followed some strict schedule where I only work on one thing between the hours of X-Y for Z years. It tends to be much more messy and organic in practice.
  13. I don't brag about it. But it was essential to my awakening. Arrogance is important in this work.
  14. In order to properly Awaken you will even need to transcend ideas of unhealthy and toxic. These too are part of the human spiritual games that are played. Of course. Which is NOT to justify any kind of bad behavior. Good behavior matters. But not more than CONSCIOUSNESS. You guys do not appreciate what I had to do to reach the levels of consciousness that I am talking about now. Almost no human would have the balls to do it because of how much it violates all spiritual human norms. Until you are ready to murder a guru you don't understand how deep this goes.
  15. That's how a devil behaves. Once a spiritual person convinces himself that he has outsmarted and transcended me, then he will easily justify betraying me. These are all classic traps of this work.
  16. He leaves the forum because my harshness does not fit his ideals of what an awake person is supposed to act like. Because he has confused good behavior for CONSCIOUSNESS. Do you guys understand how many customers I have lost in order to cut through all the spiritual human crap? I have losts tens of thousands of dollars. But it was worth it.
  17. No, he's not a lair. That's just how wacky his mind works. Spiritual people tend to have wacky minds.
  18. Nahm is not a scammer. He's a decent guy. He's just lost in spiritual self-deception and was spreading a lot of it on this forum. Very few spiritual people are scammers. They just genuinely believe that they have solved spirituality. Like Moksha here. He is completely self-deceived, but he honestly believes he's figured it all out. Self-deception 101. Projection 101. Closedmindedness 101. Gaslighting 101. Such people are so deeply lost they cannot be helped. There's nothing I can say to get them to change their minds. This is what nonduality, Buddhism, and Vedanta has done to them. Which is why I am so harsh on this particular matter. It is the greatest trap to which I will lose my best students. Sadly, my most intelligent and diligent students will never awaken because a day will come when they succeed in convincing themselves that they have outsmarted and transcended me. You have not outsmarted me. You have not out-consciousnessed me. You have not transcended me. Be very careful about that.
  19. Even then the mind is pure. It takes a good 10-20 years to brainwash people.
  20. You want the eyes of an insane alien.
  21. Cuteness is how I survive.
  22. What happens with the solipsism thing is that you spend a lot of time in denial about it. Then you feel depressed and bothered by it. And then eventually you become so conscious you stop even thinking about it and just enjoy being conscious. Ruminating about the downsides of solipsism is a kind of delusion which you must transcend. Nothing about GOD can be bad. That's AWAKENING.
  23. Scientists are like women, can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em
  24. Sorry to hear. Take it easy for a while.