Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. Also known as a cult.
  2. That's totally different because there is no power differential. This whole discussion has turned into nonsense.
  3. I'd bet that many guys would love to sleep with a 14 year old if they got the chance but they know it's sorta wrong amd creepy, and it's not easy to get and they are just as happy with a 21 year old.
  4. @The Redeemer Most normies will not do game. You need to find likeminded guys and wings through online forums and such. Solo is very challenging when starting out. A good way to find wings is at pickup seminars. I don't know if RSD still does freetours but those were a great place to meet local wings.
  5. @Majed I don't see any realistic solution other than porn, or just normal sex. There is no responaible way to throw teens at pedophiles just to keep than satisfied. I wonder how many pedophiles would be satified just having normal sex. I'm guessing a decent percentage. I mean, after all, pussy is pussy and dick is dick. The age of it doesn't make it feel any better really.
  6. 25 is pretty late. The longer you push it off the harder it will get. 25 is the perfect age to start solving this problem. You need to start socializing every weekend consistently.
  7. I doubt you can match them up like that.
  8. Many, many. For example, men age better. Men don't have to worry about rape. Men don't have to be pregnant.
  9. 1) Life ain't fair. 2) You are overlooking all the other powers men have. You cannot compare power and value on a single dimension. That's like saying it's unfair that an RPG elf has insanely high intelligence while the orc does not. But there are many other stats in an RPG than intelligence. You have to look at the entire character and all his perks and skills.
  10. I don't think that's gonna work. The power differential will simply be too great between a 30 year old and a 14 year old. It's gonna turn into exploitation and manipulation. Men exploit even 18-25 year old women quite easily. And you are not going to train them not to. Most guys doing pickup are very unethical. Just imagine what would happen if you let them apply pickup to 14 year olds. Imagine Andrew Tate with 14 year olds. No sane parent would ever be cool with a 30 year old dating his 14 year old. If you were that father you would kill such a person, and not merely out of closedmindedness.
  11. If you have the course you should really dive into those exercises. That's the best advice I got.
  12. There is definitely a problem with that and it cannot be done healthfully in most cases. Age of consent exists for good reason, otherwise there would be so much exploitation of teens. The orienation is legit, but you still cannot allow it because it would be too harmful.
  13. You will NEVER get that. That's a ridiculous expectation. Men and women are asymmetrical. You need to play to your strengths as a man. Girls will not just approach you and do the work for you. Your expections are very out of line which is why you're suffering. If I got out to a nightclub, no girl will ever approach me. That's normal.
  14. The first times you're having sex there's also so much nervousness that it's hard to enjoy it. It takes time to relax and to learn to enjoy it.
  15. There's nothing usual about that for first time sex. It's not easy for a girl to make you cum. Many girls just don't know how to jerk or suck you well enough. There's an easy solution to this: after she has her fun, you jerk yourself off onto her. You should never expect a girl to finish you off. Rarely is a girl skilled enough to do that. You'll notice that even in porn many times the guy finishes himself off. Don't take any of this personally. You just need more experience having sex.
  16. I have never called 50% of Americans that. Trump's base is like 30% tops. And even they are not all racists and extremists. I have made the point that calling conservatives racists is not even accurate and I have promoted the term ethnocentric instead. But even if let's say 15% of Americans are flat out racists, I have never made any big deal about it nor have I gone on any witchhunt against them.
  17. Of course it can and should be done consciously or deliberately. You have to investigate the things you're most passionate about in life. My Life Purpose Course gives many exercises for figuring it out.
  18. Some of you guys need to learn to take a joke.
  19. There's only so much profoundity to be had. I can't just keep pulling endless profundity out of my ass. There's only so much worth saying about certain topics until they are exhausted. The very cutting edge dangerous stuff I will put in the course. But even there, there's not endless amounts of it. I still have many topics to cover but it's gonna mostly be non-spiritual topics.
  20. He's not wrong. I didn't invent the idea of a God dreaming and waking up. It's a question of depth.
  21. It's gonna taste gross.