Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. Musk is too cheap to even hire the staff that would be necessary to add all these extra features. Maybe if he was going to invest an extra $20 billion into this project it might work. But he isn't even paying his rent.
  2. The thing is, no one wants his everything app. If people want to watch video, they go to YT, not Twitter. Using Twitter as a video platform is foolish. It would like if Nike changed their brand to selling groceries and toilet paper.
  3. It's not a matter of forgetting. You're always looking at GOD, however your sober level of awareness of GOD is extremely limited no matter enlightened you claim to be. It's not a matter of forgetting, it's a matter of lack of consciousness.
  4. The concept of ego is quite misleading and poor. It is better to not think in those terms but in terms of functions of mind. The mind has many different functions, motivations, defense mechanisms, etc. Some of them are healthy and others are unhealth. And how they are balanced also matters. Fear, for example, is one function of the mind and it has both healthy and unhealthy aspects to it. Judging things as good vs bad is itself a function of the mind which can become unhealthy.
  5. I doubt that's true. The biggest obstacle I think is that distraction and nonsense has increased a lot. It's easier than ever to just waste your life online doing nothing.
  6. Do we know when his trial date is? And will it be a jury trial?
  7. If Musk actually goes through with this re-brand it will cost him half his userbase.
  8. I don't like mild psychedelic states. It's like getting two jerks on your dick. I would rather have nothing.
  9. It sounds like what you got is an unstable, chaotic mind that veers off into schizo directions. I know what that feels like but it's hard for me to give you a solution because people's minds work differently. Best advice I can give is to have some kind of meditative practice that you can use to calm your mind down so it doesn't veer too far into schizo realms. But I'm not sure how effective that would be for you. Some people just have naturally chaotic, schizo minds. Perhaps you need medication.
  10. These days people tend to be quite spoiled and expect to not have to work hard for things. People expect stuff like free housing, free healthcare, a good career, a hot girlfriend, etc without insane work.
  11. I can enjoy listening to my own videos. Especially after some time passes.
  12. This is so silly. The only solution here is to just stop thinking about it. You could also spend hours thinking about how many nasty shits your gf has taken in her life. But you don't because it has zero value to dwell on such things. Every time you sit down for dinner you could fantasize about how you gf is taking a shit. Imagine what it would be like to live that way.
  13. Tate's narcissism is so bad that he couldn't help bragging about all his crimes to his gullible fanboys. Now he has to backpeddle like crazy.
  14. What kind of fool wants to give Elon control of their entire internet experience, including banking? Lol
  15. You just need a larger dose.
  16. It does take a certain kinda balls to kneecap your own race horse.
  17. Dose is too small or you got the wrong chemical. You don't need to wait that long. It kicks in within 10 mins.
  18. When I micro-dosed LSD it was too strong for me to be able to work. It was neither here nor there. I don't like microdosing. But your results may vary.
  19. Don't waste your time. You will never Awaken with koans.
  20. @NightHawkBuzz You have a very childish idea of how politics works, and of good vs bad people. In politics you are always making compromises and choosing between the lesser of two evils. That's what democracy entails.
  21. Nah, insanity is beyond that.
  22. Find us more freaks!
  23. You are not going to awaken too deeply without confronting insanity. It's good for you to see that Consciousness is not limited to pleasant spiritual things. Calm yourself down and relax your mind. Worrying about it only makes it worse.
  24. Zizek is like a dog who learned to talk and read philosophy.