Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. @Dazgwny Well, enjoy staying ignorant. Sometimes in life you gotta know how to read between the lines. Cheerio!
  2. It is silly to micro-manage your diet like that. Just eat minimially processed organic whole foods.
  3. Means less than nothing. Your mind can project whatever it wants on such data. Maybe it's cause Republicans are bigger rapists.
  4. Just watch out for New Age cults.
  5. A guy with top level security clearance who's job was to brief the President is not bullshitting under oath. You guys are so sloppy with your thinking. Nobody with military clearances is just bullshitting about the existence of alien spacecraft. As if they have nothing better to do. This isn't the Alex Jones show. He's reporting facts to you. Just cause you're in denial about it makes no difference to him.
  6. That blabbermouth is the last one who would be told.
  7. Because Apple is anti-freedom. They don't even allow you to drag and drop a file onto your phone via USB. Those pricks.
  8. Income inequality is def a problem. The middle class has been gutted. It ain't the 1960's anymore. But there are still so many opportunities to work hard and make millions. More money is made today than ever. All you need is to get a small piece of the pie.
  9. I have! My humor is top-notch now
  10. Lol Public has been seeing them for 70 years.
  11. On Hunter Biden's new laptop you will find a video of Hunter jerking off using a dead alien arm.
  12. Except the difference now is that he is not willing to spend any more of his money on Twitter. If he was willing to throw in another $10-$20 billion then maybe he'd have a chance to succeed in this crazy idea. And also, anti-wokeness and Twitter have rottened his mind over the last 10 years. He has not been making sound decisions recently. He's clearly got a lot of ego wrapped up in this unlike his previous ventures.
  13. @StarStruck Take a look at his solar roofs. They were a flop. He has plenty of bad ideas.
  14. My gf was not dysfunctional nor toxic, just very self-absorbed and had an inflated self-image. Tate's behavior is not merely nariccistic it is sociopathic and criminal. He's very exploitative with no empathy towards who he exploits.
  15. Yes you can. Try harder. All my pickup was sober.
  16. @Dauntment It's clear that Musk is extremely inexperienced in designing social media platforms and that his ego makes him ignore sound principles and advice from people who actually understand the industry. Musk is not playing any kind of 3D chess here. Destroying a well established brand to chase some pipe dream of a Chinese all-in-one super app is a huge gamble and makes little sense. It's clear that Musk is flailing around and throwing stuff at the wall just to see what sticks, and nothing is sticking.
  17. My last gf scored high on narcissism but she was not any kind of monster. She was sweet in many ways and she was into spirituality a lot. So don't demonize narcissists.
  18. Everything is fine. Your doses are just too small. It's common that people have significant tolerance and just need a large dose. It seems to me like you're using the wrong end of that microscoop. The large scoop end is what you want to use. That's about 10mg per scoop. Don't be afraid to take a sizable dose. A proper dose of 5-MeO will blow your mind within 10 mins. If it doesn't your dose is too small. Keep doubling your dose until it starts blowing your mind within 10 mins. Don't worry. You're nowhere near the limit yet. You will experience complete mindfuckery before you approach the upper limit.
  19. The sober state is not special. But it is your default, baseline way of being conscious so you gotta take it seriously because it makes up the majority of your life. Sort of like how a planet has a default orbit which can change but in practice doesn't change much. Yes, that does happen. But your memory is tied with your state of consciousness. So really it's the state that makes all the difference. Your memory and understanding is deeply tied to your state of consciousness. The highest understanding is so deep that it cannot be held in memory, it needs to be part of your current state of consciousness. You can retain some understanding, but understanding cannot substitute for an Awakened state of consciousness. There is no substitute for state of consciousness. As an example, you have a very good understanding of what sex is, but that will never be the same as being in the middle of sex. And you can't be in the middle of sex all the time.
  20. Shittalking is good in the appropriate environment, like at a nightclub.
  21. Love and Oneness are not tricks. You don't connect to others by imagining they exist, you connect with them by realizing otherness is a trick.
  22. Do trans people even know that most cis people have never even seen a trans person in their lives?
  23. Yay! Hot alien girlfriend let's go!
  24. Tate also had connections to Romanian organized crime, scamming guys via a chain of Romanian casinos.