Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. If you fly 10,000s of times evenually things will go wrong. All tech fails eventually. And there is always the chance of operator error. You also aren't considering that the military can have ways of shooting them down. This is super advanced technology that can be used for war, power, and money. And also, normies are likely to freak out if they know aliens are flying around. And it's just not a good look for the military to admit that unknown craft are penetrating their air defenses all the time. Think about it: if you found a UFO craft you would want to keep it for yourself, not give it up to some general public.
  2. They can't keep all this secret forever. Over time, more and more stuff leaks out and now even senators and congresspeople are on the side of disclosure so the dam is about to break. It's not that higher ups decide to let people talk, it's that those who have the alien craft are not that high up, they are a tangent part of the government that is outside the normal chain of command. So it's not just a simple matter of going up a chain of command, you gotta find the right institutions and people, which is hard because this stuff is so comparmentalized that no one really knows who knows what. But those tangent people also don't have unlimited power to silence people because they are not the top of the chain of command and if they tried to bluntly silence everyone then they would blow their own cover. So the best thing for them to do is to ridicule all the UFO reports to make the whole topic seem ridiculous and insane. Rather than silencing people directly it's better for them to put out misinformation and fake stories to sow doubt and confusion.
  3. You can start by just going to the mall on the weekend and striking up conversations with the old lady clerks at the department stores. The objective should be to do small talk and keep the conversation going as long as possible while keeping your body relaxed and having fun.
  4. That are so many factors to this topic that you will never know. For example, people who are forced to marry and have no option for divorce would report being happier simply because they have no other choice and have surrendered to their situation. More choice actually reduces happiness in many cases. When many complex factors are involved things can unfold in very counter intuitive ways.
  5. Such a choice must be made off direct experience. Never move to place unless you've already lived there for a while. Spend 2-4 weeks living in a Green country in a place you can afford and see how you like it. Also keep in mind that not all Green places are the same. So if you don't like one place try another. There are so many factors that go into making a place good to live besides its Spiral stage. Don't reduce things too much.
  6. You guys need to stop using ChatGTP to validate things for you. This is turning into a bad habit. Think through issues on your own. You cannot use ChatGTP to validate cutting-edge developments in knowledge and understanding.
  7. @Soul Flight You are thinking too far ahead. Even 1 trip every 2 weeks is a decent starting point for the first year or two. Do that before you start worrying about how to do more. You may not even want any more. Of course you need to design your personal development protocols around your career and lifestyle. Trust that you will find ways to do that. And in the end you can also adjust your career path amd relationships if you find there is a serious enough need for that. Of course it is easier to do any kind of personal development if you have a lighter career and family workload. If you have a 9-5 job and a family to support your progress will be slower.
  8. Let more time pass while trying not to ruminate on it and you should move beyond it. Sometimes truama can be stirred up which takes more than a week to settle. But it's important that you don't ruminate and worry about it too much. The good news is that in the big picture you should be able to heal whatever trauma you have. But it might take more work and time than you expect.
  9. Not just him but hundreds of other credible people.
  10. The evidence is simply too overwhemling. The bigger conspiracy is that everyone who reports UFOs is a liar.
  11. There have literally been 10s of thousands of credible eye-witness reports of UFOs over the last 80 years. To dismiss all of them is beyond delusional. The US gov has had alien spacecraft and alien bodies since at least 1947.
  12. There can't be a recommended schedule since that all depends on how much you can handle and what your schedule is like. DMT cannot be plugged. You could vape it every day since it only lasts 15 mins. But realiatically it would traumaize you too much to do it daily. Once a week is a good schedule. But even that may be too much for most people.
  13. Since it's obvious that Musk's radical restructuring of Twitter will lead to months of questions and drama, we should consolidate all of it into a single Mega-Thread. So here we go! Post all Musk Twitter news here. Keep this civil. Don't attack each other.
  14. Getting nukes into space is extremely dangerous because the rocket carrying it up there could explode.
  15. You go out and force yourself to socialize and actively relax and have fun while doing so.
  16. It's a big mistake to ask ChatGPT about advanced metaphysical and epistemic topics. What it does is just regurgitate mainstream materialist dogma to you, creating an echochamber effect.
  17. They have certainly flown around for thousands of years. But what is a caveman gonna do with a crashed UFO? The UFO topic is a big deal now precisely because we got the tech and science to make sense and use of it.
  18. You are just making shit up. These aliens are limited creatures, not magical elves.
  19. Not necessarily. They are not invincible. The US military has pretty powerful laser beam weapons. How would a UFO escape a powerful laser beam? It would do instantaneous damage. Also, if you consider that there are 10000s of UFOs flying around, shooting down a handful of them is quite good odds. 99% of them are not being shot down nor crashing.
  20. If they were evil they would have killed us all long ago. It seems like the US government has developed a radar system with an energy beam that causes these UFOs to crash. That's one explanation for Roswell I heard. It's quite possible the goverment has found ways to shoot these things down. They could also be landing rather than crashing.
  21. @Dazgwny Well, enjoy staying ignorant. Sometimes in life you gotta know how to read between the lines. Cheerio!