Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. Eyewitnesses around the world in many different credible cases (like Roswell) have described aliens as being humanoid. Them being bipedal and humanoid makes sense because it's a very efficient design for an intelligent creature. 4 legged creatures do not have the hand dexterity necessary to build advanced technology. So I would expect the most intelligent life to be bipedal. And have more than 4 limbs seems needlessly inefficient. Why have 6 or 8 limbs when 4 gets the job done and uses less energy? There have been many examples of convergent evolution of bipedal creatures on Earth: dinosuars, birds, apes, kangaroos. Basically any 4-legged creature has a chance of evolving into a bipedal one, given enough time. Convergent evolution seems like a powerful force. There are probably only so many efficient pathways to get hyper intelligent creatures. Most of which would require freeing up two hands for fine manipluation of the environment. If there are Earth-like planets out there then chances are good that evolution will operate there under similiar pressures and pathways as on Earth.
  2. No, this is a bad assumption. Development does not directly translate into happiness. There is some truth to ignorance is bliss.
  3. Of course
  4. Why do you assume anyone would tell him? We already know that Presidents are generally not given this information. This information is insanely compartmentalized and only given to those who are directly involved in overseeing the work.
  5. @Jannes Excellent work. Keep at it.
  6. 1) Stop being so cheap. If she doesn't pay you for this trip, so what? You had sex a couple of times and hung out. That alone is worth quite a bit to you. 2) If you're going to be splitting bills with a girl, do it right on the spot, or alternate who pays. Don't tally up a long tab and then expect her to pay for it long afterward. 3) If a girl is broke and doesn't even bring her wallet with her, that tells you that you shouldn't expect to ever get any money from her. At that point if you want to pay for her just be honest with yourself that this is your gift to her. And you can then get her to "pay" in others ways but placing more demands on her like cleaning your house or whatever. 4) If this girl agreed ahead of time that she was gonna pay you later, then don't badger her about it. Give her some time to pay. It sounds like she will do it if she's an honest, ethical person. 5) You need to judge ahead of time whether the girl you're sleeping with is ethical or not. Some girls are super ethical and can be trusted, others are not. So just understand the kind of girl you're with early on.
  7. Of course height is not gonna be a big factor in online dating if you got a great face, great hair, and great physique. Height is not as important for getting laid as guys like to imagine. Especially because many hot girls are short. So even if some of the taller girls turn you down you can always find some really hot short girls and they won't mind your height much if you got other great features. And conversely, height alone without great face, hair, etc will not get you laid. No girl is gonna sleep with a guy just because he's very tall. Height is a nice bonus but it's not a dealbreaker. Most of my wings were average height and all of them were shorter than me. Being too tall can actually make you look skinny and not as attractive. What matters more than your height is having a nice balanced ratio between your height and bulk. What gets you laid in online game is having a cute/handsome face.
  8. It just doesn't make sense. You're not gonna want to have sex on it. It's too serious, the duration is too short, and the body load is not right. I've jerked off on it about a dozen times. It's kinda interesting but it doesn't feel particularly great. Normal jerking off feels more pleasurable. 5-MeO-DMT does not enhance sexual pleasure for me, it makes sexual pleasure feel kinda underwhelming and mechanical.
  9. Vaguely. Not in detail. There are various school cases out there.
  10. 1) You are never going to achieve what Sadhguru achieves. Stop comparing yourself to genetic freaks. 2) I highly doubt that even Sadhguru only sleeps 2-4 hrs per day. That's like Tai Lopez saying he reads one book per day. These people will make exaggerated claims as part of their PR. And it's very harmful for normal people trying to achieve normal results. Convincing someone that he should aim to sleep 2-4hrs per day is disgustingly harmful advice. A normal person needs 7-8hrs of sleep, and sometimes even more if you are stressed, overworked, exercise a lot, or are a developing teenager. There are some genetic freaks who can get by with less sleep but that is not something you should try to emulate.
  11. I don't have a good explanation of Colares. I think some alien species might do abductions for something like scientific purposes in the way we do medical experiments on rats. Humans do a lot of evil stuff to rats in the name of science.
  12. I gots two episodes for him: Life Advice For Young People - Part 1 & 2
  13. At some point your trips will get too deep for music.
  14. Not necessarily. There is good reason why most people don't do this work. If this work simply eliminated all your suffering then everyone would be doing it and everyone would be good and highly developed. It just doesn't work that way. There has to be a high cost.
  15. There is an even better Brazilian case than Colares. In the Colares one the aliens were pretty evil.
  16. I will soon post on my blog one of the most credible alien craft recovery incidents in all of UFO history, and it took place in Brazil. So, no, it's not limited to the USA.
  17. 1) Not forced per se but just having your options limited is actually very good for happiness. There's a whole book written about this phenomenon called The Paradox Of Choice. 2) Religious conservatives are less likely to get divorced than secular liberals. They are also less likely to sleep around. As an example, it can be easier to be happy as a religious conservative because your worldview is simple and you don't have to go through the existential crises of nihilism or loss of spirituality, or the confusion of picking a spiritual path. Which is why most people gravitate towards a conservative worldview. There is comfort and security in just going to church every Sunday and doing what you are told like a sheep. Being a sheep can certainly generate happiness. If you try to get very serious about spirituality you will suffer a lot, which is why most people never do it. There is a kind of suffering that comes from doing too little and another kind of suffering from doing too much. If you are very ambitious you will suffer a lot more than a sheep.
  18. I recommend you don't use electronics when tripping.
  19. Lots of Kriya yoga or meditation can reduce your sleep quota, but I wouldn't count on 2-4hrs of sleep. That's very low.
  20. The credibility of this breakthrough is suspect, so don't get too excited just yet. It requires validation.
  21. No idea. But I expect within my lifetime. Or you are just wrong. Stop with your crusades against Youtubers here. You did it with Lex Fridman and now you are doing it with Destiny. You are way too online and biased as hell. Stop it or you will be the one getting warnings. You spread much drama and bias.
  22. Read this article and share your thoughts: https://time.com/6266923/ai-eliezer-yudkowsky-open-letter-not-enough/
  23. It's not the batch it's the person. You guys keep underestimating how variable the brain is. Your brain metabolism plays a huge role here.