Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. I could be Satan himself and it would not change what I told you about the nature of Consciousness. You guys conflate character and Consciousness, which is a big mistake. You want to measure Consciousness by human character but this means you will limit Consciousness very much.
  2. Let go of human content when on psychedelics. It's like you are trying to learn to dive while clinging to an inflatable raft. You cannot learn to deep diving that way. Be bold and let it go.
  3. That was still human. You can realize the limitations of Buddhism long before you reach alien mind.
  4. We've discussed Ralston's position on psychedelics here many times. He's wrong. Psychedelics produce direct consciousness. This is obvious to anyone with serious experience with psychedelics. And it must be wrong, because any human spiritual attainment is mediated by brain chemistry. Just because you don't take a psychedelic does not mean chemicals are not at work. You just take those chemicals for granted. You are on chemicals right now. That's the only way you could read these words. So all we're doing is replacing one set of chemicals with another set. Psychedelics can take you way beyond enlightenment if you use them properly. If Ralston's logic was valid, then nothing could ever take you to enlightenment, not even his words or methods, because they would all be "indirect". However he must admit that his words and methods are useful, otherwise why would he invest so much time and money into them? The notion that nothing can help you to reach God-Realization is simply flat out false. Some things clearly help and other things do the opposite. If this wasn't the case then spiritual teachings and techniques could not exist. And Ralston clearly teaches spiritual techniques despite whatever denials he may have. He clearly believes that his techniques are effective otherwise he would not be teaching them. So there's a silly double-standard in his logic. Using his logic I could say, You can't ever reach enlightenment sober because your brain chemistry always makes anything you achieve indirect.
  5. There is the human mind. And then you can transcend that into alien mind territory. All conventional spirituality, like Buddhism and nonduality, are all still part of the human mind territory. They do not access alien mind no matter how much enlightenment or cessation or samadhi or ego loss they have.
  6. That's a thorny political issue. India is a very under-developed stage Blue country. So they gotta go through that phase for some time. Yes, nationalism can easily go overboard and lead to all sorts of nasty results. But they can't just jump over that phase. There is a high cost to building a great civilization. There is a lot of collateral damage. Realistically some Muslims will be hurt in that process in India and China. It is possible to access alien consciousness. Impugning my character will not change this fact.
  7. Well of course that's true. All my claims are about Infinite Mind. I never said God is a space alien. That's not a function of him lying.
  8. @Dazgwny Your question is not stupid. I've made vague claims of Alien consciousness and Alien love and it makes sense that you guys want to know more. But at the same time it's a very challenging topic to explain which requires work on my part to explain it properly because it does not fit any existing spiritual teachings.
  9. @Dazgwny I will explain more in my new course. It's hard to explain on a forum in piece-meal fashion.
  10. I have never denied paranormal abilities. Quite the opposite. Paranormal abilities are mostly a function of genetics. My only point is that those things are not God-Realization and not the highest consciousness. I have never claimed that Sadhguru, Teal Swan, or Matt Kahn are crazy or lying. I regard all of them as honest and genuine. But they do not have the highest consciousness of God and their methods will not allow you to access that consciousness. Do all the shaktipat you want, you will never access Alien Consciousness or Alien Love. You cannot even comprehend what that is. No amount of yoga nor meditation nor New Age voodoo will get you there. And none of this is to say you should stop doing those practices if they benefit you.
  11. Higher consciousness life forms probably have even more evolved kinds of emotions.
  12. There are some toxic aspects to RSD, especially the old content. However it's miles better than Tate.
  13. @thierry It is not hard to find high quality, non-toxic advice about masculinity and dating. Take a look a David Deida, David DeAngelo, and Owen Cook. To name but a few. Being weak is not necessary. Being toxic is not necessary. You guys should be doing deep research into your sources of personal development. Find the best sources. This is a no-brainer. Don't just go for the most common, dumbed down, cheapest, social media-popular sources. If you check out David DeAngelo's content you'll see it's 100x better than Tate. If you struggle with dating and masculinity, frankly, you'd be insane not to consume all the content from David Deida, David DeAngelo, and old-school RSD. That's all you need.
  14. Look, you can learn valuable lessons even from horrible people. But I cannot recommend young men to listen to Tate when there are such better sources for personal dev. It's not like we have a lack of self help teachers out there. If you listen to Tate a lot you will develop very toxic attitudes which will ruin your capacity to relate properly to women, and you will suffer for that for years. It will then take you years of work to i do that. That's the bottom line.
  15. You want to contemplate and go deeply into your trip rather than getting distracted.
  16. A few times I did 12-24hr long vape sessions of 5-MeO-DMT. Not sure the dose. I don't really measure doses when I vape. After a certain number of hits it gets so intense that I can't vape any more until it passes.
  17. I have addressed this point several times already in this and other UFO threads. It's not as simple or dumb as them crashing into a tree. You are glossing over all sorts of nuances of how this stuff works in the real world. Do not discount that it's possible for humans to shoot these things down.
  18. I have never lost consciousness on 5-MeO. Does not seem possible for me.
  19. If you walk into a random pharmacy and consume a random bottle of pills, chances are your state of consciousness will not change much.
  20. He runs a very mainstream-oriented organization, so that's baked into the cake. But that's why I try to stay away from that kind of thing. I think Sadhguru could make it less guru-worshipy if he actually explained the principles behind why the techniques work and how to develop your own yoga techniques. But he's gonna say that's too dangerous and unsuitable for newbies. Sadhguru does not even explain what spiritual result the yoga will produce for you. Just vague promises of better health and happiness. He never says something like: do X, Y, Z and you will realize you are God. Who knows how much and what kind of his yoga you will need to do to realize what God is? Maybe never. The whole yoga concept demands that you blindly follow some guru. That's their whole scheme. Which just doesn't align with my epistemic values. But that's my values.
  21. Nope, not even close.
  22. Thanks. I am working on being more gentle and humane with you guys.
  23. Yes. The million dollar question is what result will it produce? For me, what turned me off from Sadhguru's yoga is when I found out he teaches a weak-sauce version of yoga to newbies and then plans to upsell you on the serious yoga years later. I could not stomach that. But I don't want to discourage you. Follow thru on your plan if you feel it is right. I hope you see great results.