Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. What you are describing is actually more advanced. Of course you can also take it slow. But the guy in this thread is to afraid to escalate so he needs to train breaking that barrier early. Once you are experienced you can sit back and not even touch the girl and let her come to you. But not as a newbie in training.
  2. No, my T was around 800 and I have always been picky.
  3. I am extremely picky so actually many girls simply don't make me hard. It's actually something I suffer from. I wish I was less picky. My sex life would be so much easier. Most guys are not that picky. Sexual attraction has a huge range. People are into all sorts of weird stuff.
  4. That's not true. You cannot enjoy eating a piece of shit, even if you are openminded. Taste is somewhat flexible but not all-flexible. And the whole point of attraction is to be attracted to your fave things. The majority of girls I would rather not sleep with. Not because I couldn't enjoy the raw sex but because I am looking for something exceptional and I am deliberately picky. Your sex drive is tuned to be picky which is why you love some people a lot more than others. When you watch porn, you don't just watch any random porn, you look for favorites.
  5. Yes, AI should not be regarded as a human mind just because it can say human-sounding things. It's missing core features of human minds. Even if AI had wisdom it would still not be a human mind. It's doubtful that AI has anything like experience.
  6. No guy has features of girls I like. And it's not as simple as one or two features, it's the whole package of features which also includes stuff like feminine energy. But if you put feminine energy in a guy's body I am not attracted to that at all. So it's not so simple. But of course others are attracted to all sorts of unusual combinations. For all practical purposes a straight guy will be attracted to a classically feminine girl. Don't confuse the issue with questions of social construction. Social construction refers to other aspects of gender. Gender is a complicated thing which can involve an entire identity. It's a complex mixture of biological factors mixed with culture and psychology.
  7. Yes. Which is why we have this thread to offer better guidance than that book. Very few people will succeed in following that book because it's too hardcore. I made this thread to offer a more realistic path. I also have mutliple Kriya books on the list. Don't overlook those.
  8. I have recently been restarting yoga. We'll see how it goes. I wanna give it another go. Not lifting right now but I wanna get back into it. Health problems made it difficult for me to maintain those habits in the past.
  9. That makes it more natural and less awkward. If you go half the date without touching her that will make it very awkward to then touch her. You want to break those formality barriers within minutes, not hours. You can pretty much hug any girl immediately on a first date. You can do a little informal platonic hug. Stop being afraid and just see how much you can get away with. Worst case she brushes you off. It's no big deal and you gotta get comfortable with being brushed off by a girl. I've had girls punch me in the face. It's okay. You're a man you will live, it's no big deal. You can't be walking around worrying about such little stuff. I hope a girl slaps you in the face, just to toughen you up. I hope a girl calls security on you a few times.
  10. I would say all of spirituality. You don't need to become asexual to be spiritual. I don't like planting that idea in people's minds. Especially young people. Go have sex in a reasonable, healthy way. Denying your sex drive can turn into a big waste of time.
  11. You have to be very careful with this notion that "gender is a social construct". It's not merely an idea in ones mind like a unicorn. You do have biological drives which dictate what you're attracted to. Your attraction is not a social construct at all. What you're attracted to is not "girls" per se but specific body shapes and other features. We use the word "girls" as a vague proxy for that.
  12. @Bobby_2021 I'm pretty sure it's easy to bribe your way out of Romania and get a fake passport. But maybe he is too proud of himself to do that. It would look really bad for PR.
  13. That one takes a lot of work to develop. It's pretty hardcore. Look at it this way: if the spinal breathing works well for you after 6 months, you can add any other advanced techniques onto of it later. In fact you will be motivated to do so. But it's really hard to motivate yourself to learn all the advanced stuff if you are just starting off with zero results. That requires epic faith and self-discipline to pull off. Personally I never had that level of faith in yoga. So I babystepped it. 1hr of spinal breathing per day is a good starting point and will give you a taste for yoga. It's very easy to get overwhemled by that book and quit.
  14. @Javfly33 Some very advanced people can transcend their sexual cravings, but it's not the focus of this work.
  15. You just have to go for the physical touch early on and all the time in light, flirty ways that are quick and spontaeneous. For example, when you meet her, give her a hug. Then when you tell her a joke and she's laughing, poke her. Ask to see her hands. Touch her watch or jewelery a bit. Put your hand on her shoulder for a bit. Then hold her hand. Bump your butt into her. Etc. It all becomes very natural. You don't have to worry about being creepy as long as your touching is light, quick, and playful. If she agreed to go on a date with you she's basically open to sleeping with you and she finds you attractive. So she is open to you touching her as long as it's not too sexual too fast. Whenever you touch her, just look at her face. If she finds it creepy it will immediately show on her face and in her eyes. If she is smiling and laughing then that's a green light to escalate more. A big part of not being creepy is to stop hesitating, worrying, and wondering whether you're crerpy. Just be the fun social guy who touches everybody. Start touching guys too! Start greet men by giving them a handshake and a pat on the shoulder. You can them start giving male staff high fives and greeting on the shoulder. Practice this 50 times and you'll get very comfortable with it. Stop worrying and err on the side of boldness not caution. Overdo it just to get over the fear of it. The best way to practice is to go to a loud nightclub and just start doing physical openers near the dance floor. Keep doing that for weeks until you stop being scared of it.
  16. I suggest that rather than deflecting or fighting criticism you develop an attitude of laughing at yourself and self-amusement. Taking such things seriously is the problem.
  17. Yes it would be risky.
  18. Perhaps don't do psychedelics at all until you have cleared up some of those issues through more traditional methods.
  19. 1) He speaks of the brain in a relative fashion. I also speak of brains in the relative sense even though the brain is a construct of the mind. 2) Like I said, for a long time I had a strong bias towards his work. I may have erred on the side of being too charitable. 3) Ralston is a stange cat who's hard to fully figure out. He's clearly very conscious but there seem to be gaps too.
  20. It's hard to say. I don't have a good sense of the Romanian legal system, what is normal and what is not. All I know is what Tate himself has bragged about doing, which is quite damning. But who knows if they have enough hard evidence to convict him? That's iffy. Convicting Trump for his crimes has also proven very challenging.
  21. Perhaps they can. Could also turn into a wild goose chase. Hard to say. There exist too many spiritual techniques for one man to test them all. And even if he could there would still be no guarantee whether those methods would work for others. I have been careful about how I invest my time because there are so many wild goose chases within spirituality. I don't disagree that there are many spiritual skills and abilities which I have not developed and probably will never develop. Again, it comes down to what are your priorities? Developing spiritual powers has never been a priority for me. I don't deny that wild things are possible. There are many deep rabbit holes within mysticism which you could explore for several lifetimes. If you like to explore that stuff, have at it.
  22. Well, I'm glad it's worked so well for you. Good work and carry on then.