Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. @bensenbiz Sorry, I cannot commit to managing that. And such a thing would require constant oversight from me. I expend too much energy on managing this forum as it is.
  2. So what??? Of course you will have random negative interactions with some humans throughout your life! You cannot carry that trash around with you for 20 years! Just look at what you are doing. Yes, some girls behave badly. Some men behave badly. People make mistakea. That is society. 95% of people behave well and are friendly. Focus on that. You are engaged in a blame game. This is not going to help you grow. Just interact with girls expecting the best and enjoying yourself, without needing them to be a certain way. It's like you need, need, need them to like you, or treat you well, or give you things, or to be fair to you. Drop all that and just have fun socializing.
  3. Why adopt this kind of negative mindset at all? Focus on empowering ideas that make you feel good about your life. There are so many beautiful aspects to spirituality. Why not focus on that? You will go from many amazing states of mind and the die and go into even more profound states of mind.
  4. You didn't get these narratives from direct interactions with live women. You got it from consuming a bunch of low-tier social media trash content.
  5. This is all manosphere dogma. That's all this is. You have no actual experience talking to women face to face or relating to them. You have cherrypicked online stories which you've woven into a victim narrative. Please stop consuming manosphere content. It is poisoning your mind with negativity. You will never teach happiness that way.
  6. @Holykael take @bensenbiz up on that call offer. We need to get you turned around or you will lose access to post here soon. This is the time to act and make a change. We cannot allow you to endlessly post negativity day after day for months. This is a forum about self-improvement. Show us that you have a desire to change and grow.
  7. I have talked to thousands of girls and I cannot remember a single man-hating thing said. Girls do not go around hating men. This is such an absrud and delusional notion. Such a notion could only come from online manosphere ideology.
  8. This is your warped perception because of the skewed way in which you consume media. Your mind is cherrypicking data to fit whatever biased, self-serving worldview you wish to sustain. I consume enormous amounts of media and man-hate is almost nowhere to be found. Stop consuming red pill, blackpill, manosphere content. It is slowly poisoning your mind. Positivity is what you need. Cut out all the negative victom narratives.
  9. @StarStruck Watch out, you are engraining a toxic attitude towards women which will make it impossible to have successful and loving relationships with them. You are falling into the classic trap of pickup. Endlessly chasing hot girls is not going to lead to a happy life. Be fair to your future self and develop some depth and integrity.
  10. @Holykael I understand you are deeply unhappy with life but you need to stop masturbating to this toxic negativity. You just keep reinforcing it in your mind every day for months. This will end very badly for you if you do not stop. Please change your thinking patterns. Stop feeding the negativity. It is impossible to live that way. Stop thinking about negative things. Stop. You need to find small bit of positive things and focus on those. Slowly you will start to feel better and heal. Please start to notice how you are creating this negativity. Take responsibility for doing it. Don't blame God for it.
  11. Sounds like he had some kind of mental health episode or maybe he was high.
  12. My explanation of it is pretty simple. In order to be human you must reside within a very narrow and low state of consciousness. This is true even if you are a fully enlightenment Buddha. Your consciousnes is still less 1% of what is possible. And that is simply because that's what it means to be human. The highest levels of consciousness are so alien and non-human that a human can barely remember or think about them, nevermind access them at will, nevermind making such changes permenent. What the human can make permament is very very little. Which is why enlightenment teachers poo-poo the whole idea of "chasing states". They tell you not to do it because a human can't sustain them. That's what "human" IS. Human means being pretty much in the state you're currently in. But what a human can sustain is something like deep surrender and emptiness. Which is what they call enlightenment. And this has it's benefits for humans, but as far as consciousness goes it's still weak. So it's sort of a sad situation because most of consciousness remains inacceesible and unsustainable for humans. Merely by the fact of being human. I guess after death that will change. Which is the point of death. Death finally frees you to explore higher domains because you are no longer attached to the human experience scheme.
  13. That's the trick. It's very hard to put into words. I am developing a course to guide people to it. What I am talking about is so advanced and profound that I cannot put it into words and it is not enlightenment or centerlessness. Sorry, I know that's not useful to hear. You become conscious of God as an Infinite Mind dreaming up reality. The biggest difference between the consciousness I talk about and Buddhism or enlightenment is that enlightenment is reductionistic. It boils consciousness down to emptiness. Whereas what I am talking about is a top-down, non-reductionistic process of God comprehending itself. When you boil God down to emptiness is as Buddhist methoda do, that's a very different thing and inferior in my book. I explained this in my video: An Advanced Explanation Of God-Realization where I made a distinction between Buddhism's reductionism vs top-down comprehension. Stop trying to boil consciousness down to some kind of empty substance. That is the wrong direction to go if you want to understand consciousness. Really, the best way to explain it is: do 300 trips of 5-MeO-DMT and notice that that's not Buddhism. It's a totally different level of consciousness. The things I am pointing to can only be understood with massive psychedelic experience. A Buddhist will never understand it. It cannot be explained to him. And that's where this conversation ends. Words are not up to this task. You must actually do the technique, which is psychedelics. People keep expecting me to explain it to them without them doing the technique.
  14. Yes, this is the case because if the state is high enough it becomes more and more impossible to store it in memory. Some states are just so high that they are too far removed from human life and cannot make sense while in the human POV. So unfortunately these awakenings are cool but not very useful. Which is why I mostly don't even talk about them. I regard them as nice little treats that I randomly get in my sleep. But I can't really do anything with them.
  15. I don't know how to explain it. His work is of amazing quality. In the end, all I can say is that what Buddhists are pursuing and attaining, while beneficial and great in many ways, is not the same thing as the kinds of high awakenings I have had. And no amount of debate is going to change that. There exist levels of consciousness which cannot be reached through manual practice but only psychedelics. And this is the best kind of consciousness. Unfortunately I don't have a method for making such states permanent. I have been exploring this domain because I was hoping to find such a way, but I have been unsuccessful so far. My ultimate hope was to develop a totally new kind of path. But there's no guarantee such a thing exists. My work has been about finding new stuff. There is no point in my reinventing Buddhism. Anyone who wants Buddhism knows how to do it. I was hoping to discover something else.
  16. That's not a good characterization of Buddhism. Buddhism can be done for positive reasons. Becoming better at handling suffering is a very useful thing, not somthing negative. Don't poo-poo that.
  17. @Danioover9000 I'm not sure what happened to that user's account. I placed a 5 days posting restriction on it.
  18. @Bobby_2021 You've provided some top-notch analysis of this issue. Thank you. I feel sad for Tate now. Sex trafficking is bad, but 15 years in Romanian prison would be hell. I would not wish that on anyone. I guess what I really wanna know is how badly did he harm the girls in this case? Like in what ways did they suffer from this trafficking? It would be nice to hear their side of the story.
  19. @Water by the River Thanks for the details. You mentioned Mahamudra/Dzogchen daily practice. In brief, what does that entail? I'm guessing Kriya yoga would be more effective than sitting meditation. Which is why I recommended it in the past. Personally I have found that sitting meditation is absurdly ineffective unless it's done for a week at a time like a non-stop retreat. If I meditate nonstop on a retreat for 7-10 days then some interesting shifts in consciousness start to become possible. But it's such a pain in the ass to do. The problem I have with daily non-sitting meditation is that it interferes with intellectual/creative work. I don't understand how anyone does that and achieves any kind of work but manual labor. And frankly even that seems challenging.
  20. @StarStruck Have you actually watched Tate's videos where he admits to most of these crimes?
  21. It seems more like a binary thing, where either the serious charges stick or they don't. And if they do then it's serious prison time.
  22. I think it's exactly the opposite. In India it is easy, but with modern technology is it virtually impossible. You need to quit all your technology to get the results Water By The River is selling.