Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. Destiny is hardly "mainstream". He is very niche.
  2. I got 124. This test is a really poor meaaure of true intelligence.
  3. Stop putting her on a pedastle.
  4. One of Destiny's fans accused me of buying my YT channel and rebranding it, because my views were too low.
  5. Of course YT is a big part of the hyper capitalism I was talking about. People like me, who try to provide deep and unbiased political analysis, cannot compete on YT or any media. Because to be popular one has to do drama and play to the biases of some audience. As a result, no actual sense-making happens. What happens is polarization, misunderstanding, and outrage politics. For politics to be healthy it must be grounded in serious sense-making. Which no one wants to invest time and energy to do, because people would rather get outraged, or chase fame and clicks and millions of dollars, or push some survival agenda. The entire media ecosystem is corrupted by greed, popularity chasing, moral outrage, tribalism, virtue signaling, ideology, and survival. This perfectly explains why our politics is so dysfunctional. Hyper-capitalism super-charges all these issues. So really, what we're seeing is a peak Stage Orange society. Other nations are not as hyper-capitalist, they are more chill. In America, rather than serious sense-making, people are interested in chasing money and success. So here we are.
  6. I blame it on America's hyper capitalism. It has completely warped American media into a drama to fuel clicks, where no meaningful sense-making of goverance actually happens. All of American politics has been turned into a drama battle for profit, clicks, and greed. Rampant greed and bias corrupts the entire information ecosystem. And then you mix fundamentalist religion into that.
  7. This is false. Canada takes in 500k immigrants per year. You are engaging in biased and motivated reasoning here. You are using false data to try to backwards-rationalize your anti-immigrant worldview. This is not a valid way to do politics.
  8. A year is not even that long. No big deal.
  9. Be careful that you don't take distinction as merely conceptual. Distinction is more fundamental than concept.
  10. There are many ways to do pickup wrongly. Why are you learning from guys who don't get results?
  11. There is much more to construct-awareness than social construction. Social construction is the tip of the iceberg.
  12. The proper term for Musk is self-absorbed.
  13. I have a whole mind-blowing video planned on it. Although it's so good I'm not sure if I will release it for feee. Cause it's a little too good.
  14. Construct-awareness is a huge spectrum. If you hold construct-awareness as a binary, yes/no, you'll be in serious trouble.
  15. There are many degrees of construct-awareness. As I said, Destiny is an order of magnitude more construct-aware than right-wingers, but he could be a lot more construct-aware. You are correct in that Destiny does not regard "physical" stuff as a construct. Because he hasn't yet realized that materialism is a construct.
  16. @Joshe It's not that your statements are false per se, it's that you are overly focused on a small aspect of the situation. There is more to understanding Musk than focusing on his tweets or even his politics. Why would you reduce a complex phenomenon like Musk to politics?
  17. I am saying you placed yourself in that box without realizing it yet. I hope you break out of it some day. If you want truth, then stop judging Musk. That's the price of truth.
  18. If you value understanding, you will surrender your stage Green SJW narratives.
  19. Food is an empirical matter, other souls are not.
  20. According to yoga theory, the spine must be perfectly upright for kundalini to flow upward.
  21. I don't do faith. I do direct experience.