Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. Do not develop a fixation with me. That will hinder your growth.
  2. @inFlow Good work! Yeah, the realities of awakening can be quite ugly and brutal, not something to show off to others because they will just misunderstand and mock you.
  3. @OBEler Just be careful with your abstractions because they are not Awakening. I have no problem imagining all sorts wacky plans for how reality might work. But then there's Awakening.
  4. My suffering is not a mistake! It's core to this work! How else do you think something this crazy can be achieved? There cannot be a utopian city without a pile of crying little girls. The one makes the other. I'm demonstrating to you how serious growth actually looks and feels, not the fantasies you were promised. In 20 years, when I reach my final form, I want there to be a long trail of evidence of what hell I had to go through to reach it.
  5. If that's true, become conscious of it. Otherwise it's a fantasy. Try to actually become conscious of anything outside yourself.
  6. @OBEler I suggest you explore all that and come to your own conclusion.
  7. @Buck Edwards I hope that is a joke.
  8. I have no intention of quitting at this time. Sometimes I feel like you guys would love me to quit. It would make your life easier. But I would rather remain a pain in your ass.
  9. Uploading images should be possible. Private messagiing for new accounts has been permanently disabled due to bad abuse in the past. People have tried to use the PM system to damage this forum. I am willing to consider exceptions on a case by case basis for users with a solid track record of posting.
  10. I am patient with you. But I will not give you cover for your spiritual games. Which is really what you want from me.
  11. If you want to read a great book about God, read Conservations With God by Neal Donald Walsch. That one book explains God better than The Bible, The Torah, The Quran, The Gita, and the Te Ching combined. I'm dead serious. Don't just read stuff because it's old and popular. You want to read the stuff that's most clear.
  12. I don't expect your path to be direct. That's nearly impossible. However, my job is simply to guide you in the most direct way I presently know of. Just ask yourself, why would I recommend very indirect and weak methods if I really cared about your awakening? It's because I care so much that I am so ruthless about cutting away all the fat. People are drowning in spritual fat.
  13. @OBEler So I read Ralston's response which you linked. Ralston characterized my position as intellectual speculation. However my claim is that you can become directly conscious that all others are your own imagination. And in fact, they must be, since you are God and God is an absolutely sovereign mind. If you didn't create all others, who did? If someone else did, then you are not God. As your consciousness rises you take more and more responsibility over your creation. Until you realize that EVERYTHING is your creation. And that's the moment of your complete God-Realization. When you reach this point it will feel shockingly solipsistic. Painful at first. But you get over it. What I said above is not my speculation or theory. It is what I have become directly conscious of, at great pains. I agree with Ralston that none of this can be taken on faith nor intellectually understood. Either you become directly conscious of it or not. And it does absolutely no good to ask another to validate this for you since that would beg the question. Whether Ralston confirms or denies what I said, that is ultimately just more of your dream and there is absolutely no way around that. Because dreaming is all you are. God is an Infinite Dream. If Ralston doesn't understand this, I don't know what he's doing with his work. Which is why I have warned you many times that almost no one on this planet understands God or is AWAKE. But again, you have no way of knowing which of us is right. Other than through your own awakenings.
  14. 1) That was before I had some insane awakenings. 2) I never over-indulged in those texts. I used them sparingly, and ultimately they were not necessary for my ultimate understanding of God. 3) My path was quite meandering, not direct. There's much fat that could be cut in retrosepct. Now as I teach I try to cut off all the fat. I wouldn't want it any other way It's hard to convey to you guys just how radical my highest realizations were. Everything was turned upside down. That's why I act so strange sometimes. That's not a mistake. That's what was required. Sure. General education is good. Which is why I shared all sorts of religious quotes and stories with you over the years.
  15. Because that has been my mission for a long time and I still have things I wanna communicate. I'm not just gonna throw away something I spent 10 years building. It's like a child to me. You don't just abandon your child when things get hard.
  16. Useful towards what end? There are many different uses you could get. But as far as becoming directly and deeply conscious of yourself as God, I would say it's a distraction. Maybe the biggest use might be motivation to do serious practice. On the whole, you will never understand God from reading those books. In fact, you are more likely to misunderstand God that way. I have read parts of them. But really it's a waste of time for me when I could turn directly to God. Why does God need to read a book about God by people who cannot even speak clearly about God?
  17. What you said was so hard for me to follow so I cannot agree or disagree. I'm inclinded to say no. 1) I don't know what his position is. It is not clear from your quote. 2) Yes, Ralston and I have some major disagreements which will leave you scratching your head. But like I said before, you will get that quite often between spiritual teachers, so this is par for the course. I would underscore that your experience is absolute reality. Have you ever encounted anything which is not your experience? I haven't. If you do, let me know.
  18. Of course many people throughout time have had experiences of God and insight into God. But what I keep stressing to you guys is how many degrees and even kinds of this there are. It all comes down to a question of depth and completeness of your realization.
  19. This means your approaches were uncalibrated and socially awkward. Which means you lack experience and tact. The solution is to gain more experience and improve your approach style. Make a study of what socially calibrated vs uncalibrated approaches look like. Observe guys who approach in smooth, easy ways and contemplate what they're doing that makes it so smooth.
  20. I've had experiences where the flow of time seems to speed up, like increasing the framerate on the flow of reality.
  21. The books give you clear instructions. Don't overcomplicate things. The basics of Kriya are quite simple.
  22. Not normal but possible. But even so, what you had was probably pretty weak compared to what I am pointing to. There are many, many degrees of consciousness of God. What I am pointing to is such a massive realization of God that it will knock you off your feet.
  23. God is not an idea. God is consciousness itself.
  24. That's easy. Because God is dreaming. That's what God is: an infinite dream. So the more complicated the story the better. It makes for a juicier dream. Easier to get lost it. There is no reality outside of getting lost in some dream. That's how reality is made.
  25. Consider that even in just wondering about Jesus and trying to decode Christian texts, you are already wasting time and going in the wrong direction. What you should be doing if you actually care about God, is questioning all of reality from scratch, without any appeals to any human set of teachings. This immediately cuts through 95% of the crap. But nobody wants to do that because the mind loves to get lost in all the human crap. It's addicted to it. What you want is not Christianity. What you want is consciousness of yourself as God. That's all. So you have to be careful about all the distractions and religious games.