Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. Of course. That's what I'm working on. Are you a human? Or is that just a dream? Sure there is. There is enjoying life. I don't endorse any kind of negative view of life. Awaken to what death is. God is forever dreaming new things. God cannot stop dreaming. Of course you can raise your baseline state of consciousness through methods like yoga and meditation. All I say is that that has its limits. Those methods do not max out consciousness. I practice yoga and meditation to help raise my consciousness. I'm open to whatever methods help raise consciousness in a relatively efficient manner.
  2. @integral From a feminine POV your techniques may not work for her. It sounds like she is interested in it intellectually but not enough to actually practice it. And what you are teaching does not work without lots of serious practice.
  3. @Emotionalmosquito Of course it depends on how calibrated you are and your age. You can do game in less and more subtle ways. College campuses can be tricky, it depends. But at this point you want explore all your options and see what's possible. A college campus might have a busy nearby cafe or bar, for example. Worst case scenario they tell you to leave.
  4. That's not the issue. The hosting itself is bugged.
  5. Which is why we suggest other ways of seeking God.
  6. That's easy. These experiences shaped your character, made you tougher, made you more experienced and compassionate. And if they didn't yet, they can in the future. Just the fact that you are forced to accept such a difficult past can make you a stronger, better person. Negative stuff happens in life but when you face and overcome that with character, integrity, and positivity -- that's the real gold that makes life good. As another example, you could share your story with others and how you overcame it, and that will inspire and help others. Which in turn gives you meaning and satisfaction.
  7. @Razard86 Look, bro, do your spirituality however you want. We are just sharing tips. You don't have to follow any of them. Keep in mind the context of this whole thread was someone asking for help in escaping the stranglehold of Christianity. It's not like I came beating down your door telling you to quit your church.
  8. @Emotionalmosquito You need to make a plan to find better work and move to a big city. That's the key for you at this point. Be careful about telling yourself it can't be done. It can be done, but it will take some creative thinking and work. It will be worth it. I suggest you start researching possible jobs in big cities. And also, I suggest you go out to some bars or clubs at least twice a week in your current city. Some game is better than zero game. You should also explore the possibility of day game. Try to find some spots in your town like a mall, bookstore, cafe, outdoor areas, college campuses, yoga studios, etc. This issue is too big to solve in one fell swoop. You gotta babystep it and don't psyche yourself out by thinking too far ahead about all the obstacles. There will be many obstacles along the way which you will solve one at a time as they arise. Don't get down. There are solutions out there if you apply yourself. I've gone through what you're going through.
  9. When was the last time you prayed to Zeus? Better get on that.
  10. My default state is not much different than it ever was. But I understand what I am looking at, which is God. The more I focus on it the more I get in tune with God, so to speak. But many times throughout my day I am not focused on God, I am busy with other things. What I have more of is not a state but an understanding of what everything is. Understanding is different than a state. Understanding has been the core of my work. In the future I will work more on my state because now my understanding has started to max out. But this required years of work.
  11. If you go a few times as a tourist, sure. But if you are actually seriously going to church and consuming their dogma in the hope of realizing God, that can be a serious obstacle to Awakening. It's not a matter of fear, it's a matter of avoiding distractions that will waste decades of your life.
  12. 1) Given that you're so young you can focus on other parts of your life for now. Having relationships at 18 is largely a waste of time. None of them will last anyway. And that's normal and okay. 2) On the other hand, it's good to get relationship experience early on otherwise it will take you longer to learn how relationships work. For someone your age, worrying about guys leaving you due to looks or youth should not be an issue at all. You are thinking too far ahead and not letting yourself just enjoy the whole process of dating and relating. You don't need something final right now, you just need to experiment and gain experience. 3) The more energy you invest into dating the more likely you are to get a good result. Just expecting the right guy to magically fall in your lap is not a good approach. Just like anything else in life, if you want a great result you gotta put work into it. You can go on dates and screen guys for maturity.
  13. @integral Look, girls are girls. Rather than trying to retrain your GF it will be better for your relationship if you accept her as she is. Girls can be very emotional regardless of how spiritual they are. Of course you can teach her some of these concepts but she has to be ripe for it and it will take her a long time to train herself even if she wants to, which it doesn't sound like she does. Expecting a girl to just deconstruct her emotions like some Buddhist is a tall order.
  14. Apply mindfulness to your OCDs and let them go. "But I can't let go." Yes you can.
  15. Yes, some states are very stable over long periods of time. Like this state of being human. Those states we call stages.
  16. @Water by the River If you had Alien Consciousness you would forget all about Buddhism. The only problem is locking it in. It will kill you that you can't. If I had permanent Alien Consciousness I would literally never talk to any human ever again. I would quit humanity forever and bask in my own Mind, and every human spiritual idea, practice, teaching, and attainment would mean nothing.
  17. The more guys you meet the better your chances of finding the right one. Real Love is God. Fill yourself with God's Love and then you won't need it so badly from men and you can enjoy men with less attachment. You're placing a lot of attachment and expectation on relationships, which isn't ideal. Try doing relationship without so much expectation and demands. Relationships will come and go. Occasionally you might find a really deep one. - - - - - Plenty of people on this planet are happily married. So it is possible. Don't just chalk it up to blind luck. If you want a great marriage you can create one. Go date 50 guys and find yourself the best one. This isn't rocket science. All you need to do is find one guy who's suitable for you. 1 out of 1000s.
  18. Those are correct but comprehension of God goes so much deeper. It's a matter of depth. Buddhists are not wrong. There's just more that's missing. There exists a whole dimension of transhuman consciousness. Buddhism is all still within the domain of the human.
  19. @TryHard Maybe I'll just upgrade your account within the next few days.
  20. @Water by the River You may know that you're God but that does not means you know what God is. God is such a profound thing that no Buddhist comprehends it. With that said, I like the techniques you shared. I can see their power and I will try them out to shore up my baseline state.
  21. All stages are actually just states. There exists nothing but states of consciousness. Consciousness is an infinite state machine.
  22. @Water by the River Your True Nature is God. Which is not the same thing as Emptiness, nor nonduality, nor Buddhism, nor egolessness. The real question you should be asking is, What is God?
  23. @Water by the River Sounds super-technical. But it's interesting. Thanks for explaining. I will play around with it.
  24. @Karmadhi That means your game is pretty weak and could use a lot more work. I suggest you drop the expectation of pickup transforming other areas of your life. Just enjoy doing it for what it is and you will have fun and learn new things. Pickup is best when you turn it into an adventure and make it as fun as possible for yourself. My best memories of pickup is all the crazy adventures I went on and all the fun I had. Not the sex.
  25. @KatiesKarma Have you tried Kriya yoga? It might have a good chance of helping you if you do it for at least a year.