Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. I like his positions on anti-corporate stuff. He's got a pretty mature view of politics. I would vote for him but for his anti-vaxness.
  2. I actually really like him. Just not his anti-vax stuff.
  3. @Thought Art Don't lock it. This can be good.
  4. @OBEler Look, my Dude. 5-MeO will utterly skullfuck you. There is no way around this. You just gotta jump in and learn to swim. Of course. Be careful. Don't be reckless. Don't bite off more than you can chew. But at the same time. Grow some balls.
  5. @Derek White Nice try. You clever Devil
  6. @OBEler You are like a cat dipping its toe in the pool. Cute and silly at the same time.
  7. I don't have a scarcity mindset when it comes to my sperm. I can make buckets more. I can appreciate people who practice celibacy. What I don't appreciate is people who have sex but are so stingy that they don't even ejaculate. I consider this silly and unnatural. But hey, I don't care what you do with your sperm.
  8. I would say that this won't really happen. You will not become a completely new person. The core of you will stay the same. But you will become a more evolved, more mature version of you. The truth is that after 15+ years of personal development and spiritual work the core of me has not changed. I'm still me in very deep ways. But also I've grown up a lot. It's rather paradoxical. An important part of this work is deeply accepting who you are, not trying to totally change yourself. The human mind is not flexible enough to totally change itself. Especially once you reach about age 30, much of who you are is set for life. But you can do a lot of refinement of yourself and polish off the jagged edges.
  9. Or maybe I tricked you. I am more tricky than you will ever be
  10. I think it's a ridiculous practice for most young men. It's gonna create more problems than it solves. For a very small amount of people who are doing hardcore spiritual practice perhaps it is suitable.
  11. I think that Dems are very guilty in this situation. Dems refuse to take boarder security seriously. This is one of the few area where Dems are making big mistakes.
  12. Dude... it's so obvious that she wanted you to take her home. Girls require your leadership and initiative. You should have told her to come over.
  13. You are getting ahead of your skiis. You can sabotage yourself by worrying about things too far in advance. You got plenty of time to experience how men think. There is plenty of variability in how men think, so you can't generalize too much. What matters most in how your man thinks, not how all men think. It depends. If you look like a pig maybe not. But within reason, yes. Many men fall head over heels. But this includes looks in the whole package. You won't fall head over heels for someone if you don't find them attractive. Men have a wide variety of standards for beauty. Some girls my friends like I would never sleep with, and vice versa. It's def possible for a man and woman to love each other in a reciprocal, balanced way. Some guys will fall for a girl harder than the girl falls for him. That's not unusual. Many guys get their hearts broken by girls who leave them. So obviously men can love deeply.
  14. Kirya yoga is really good for preventing literal sleepiness.
  15. That's not necessarily so great. What I perfer is to just be awake while dreaming. The dream is a beautiful thing. You just wanna be conscious within it. Be careful not to take the dream for granted. I think this is one of the traps of Buddhism -- discounting the dream. I perfer to see the dream as a miracle and a work of art.
  16. Obviously serious reform and infrastructure is needed. I am in favor of locking down the boarder but having a generous legal miragtion policy. This is a good compromise. Frankly the boarder issue should be one of the easier issues to fix. We have much more difficult issues where compromise is much harder to achieve.
  17. Even if that occurs, nothing prevents God from dreaming new dreams. That would just be a temporary pause from dreaming. The present moment is Eternity. Be careful not to limit Eternity to an empty state. Your toilet is Eternity too. From what I understand Consciousness is always free to stop or start dreaming. In effect this results in "reincarnation". You can think of it like a TV screen that can always be on, or could be switched off or on in any sequence or duration. In this view Mahasamadhi would be like leaving your TV off while you go on vacation for the summer. But summer passes in the blink of an eye and soon you're back wielding the remote.
  18. God dreams so deeply that it imagines a whole world around itself and this is what is called reality. But few people realize that this reality will melt away like ice under the sun if your consciousness becomes high enough. Which is why people resist raising their consciousness. It is painful to see reality melt before you eyes. Which of course includes the reality of everyone you are attached to. Loss of reality feels like death. And death itself is just the complete melting away of reality into an infinite field of imagination.
  19. It boils down to: I have an autoimmune disorder, it is grounded in genetics, and there's not much I can do to change it so I have to live around it. The details are too complex and private for me to go into it.
  20. It's obvious why young men find Tate appealing. He plays up all the classic macho-man stage Orange stereotypes. And the younger the man the more he is lured in by such antics and gimmicks. It's the facade of masculinity. The male equivalent of giant fake tits on a girl. Fool's gold. A guy who thinks Tate is cool is the same type of guy who thinks it would be cool to date a stripper. It is peak juvenile masculinity. Wolf of Wall Street mindset.
  21. Of course those kind of changes can happen. But I would argue that that doesn't make you fundamentally different. Those are incremental improvements which you can make from year to year. And there can also be backsliding. I recommend that rather than getting preoccupied with radical change that you focus on small consistent practices and self-improvements. Those will add up over 10 years into something great. For example, a daily 20min visualization practice done for 10 years will make a huge change of your mind.
  22. You never know how bad the West would be without religion at all. Religion's function is not to Awaken anyone, its function is to create a cohesive and well-behaved society and help normies get a bit of meaning to life. Religion is designed to be very broad and simplistic, for people who don't want to seriously question reality. In this sense it serves its function. But our goal with our work is so much deeper so we need other methods.