Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. @Hardkill Look at places like Germany where they went green and then had to revert to coal and gas in order to meet their energy needs. China also requires a lot of coal and gas to meet their needs.
  2. @Cocolove The warning is to trip gently and be careful not to physically harm yourself in all the ways you can. I will have more detailed warnings and guidelines in the new course, but that's the gist of it.
  3. Actually it came from meditation not psychedelics. I describe it in some old video, can't remember which.
  4. This is absurd. Bottled water is run through RO filters. It makes no sense to run your entire house's water supply through RO filters. This would be very wasteful of resources. Your toilet water in Europe is not RO water. Tap water is toilet water.
  5. @Hardkill Tell me how you're gonna turn a container ship or airplane into a green energy vehicle? Economics is a force of its own. Money means life and death for many people. So when you ask people to pay more for energy you are in effect killing them. The only reason green energy isn't used is because it isn't economical yet. Dirty energy produces cheaper products for humans to survive on.
  6. That's a bad analogy because this issue is linked to technological development rather than social factors. You can't protest your way to green energy.
  7. This is not a thing you can force. It will happen at whatever pace it needs to happen at.
  8. Gonna keep it private for now.
  9. If it could have it would have. You cannot stop oil consumption on a global scale.
  10. 4-AcO-DMT has more DMT like vibes than 5-MeO. It lasts twice as long and has a week of tolerance.
  11. Fewer women will be interested in chess than men. Just like fewer men will be interested in ballet than women. It's mostly a function of personality alignment. Chess doesn't align well with the feminine temperment, just like hunting does not.
  12. Ecological destruction is not so hard to reverse in the future with all the resources mankind will have.
  13. For the same reason you don't get riled up when you step on an ant.
  14. The Tate bros are learning a lesson about karma. Any fans of theirs would be wise to learn that lesson through them, rather than suffering it directly yourself. If you act in an exploitative and abusive manner there will be consequences which you will not like. That's all this situation boils down to. It's hard to get away with exploitative behavior even in Romania. Tate should have gone to Africa if he wanted to get away with that kind of stuff. Then again, in Africa there won't be a court, they will just chop your head off when they catch you.
  15. This climate stuff is way overblown. Consider than in the 20th century it was typical for a country to lose 10 million people to a war. And the population was less than half of what it is today. So even losing 10 million to climate change will be negligible to the human race. Russia and China both lost 20+ million in WW2 and various kinds of famines. For climate change to be significant it would have to kill 500+ million people. A couple million people dead is not a crisis, it is a blip on the radar screen. A million people were killed in Ethiopia in the last 4 years. You didn't even notice. Progressives have lost all sense of proportion.
  16. Snorting is nasty regardless, but freebase is best for vaping.
  17. I can't know what will work on you.
  18. I've caused some permanent damage to my body and I've gone through some very challenging mental stuff.