Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. Just because you got good genetics and good health does not mean you can't destroy it with reckless habits. So to have good health you need both good genetics and decent eating habits. Mostly all the good health habits which exist are not giving you health, they are just preventing you from losing your health. Creating health out of thin air is not really a thing. My situation is a lot better now but I still have to be very careful about what I eat or I will have pain. That's too difficult for me to discern. It's a very tangled system. When I speak of genetics I am speaking in a relative sense, not an absolute.
  2. @jdc7733 The more you socailize the more these "magical" things will happen. It's just the serendipity of talking to people. If you talk to 5000 people you will get some insane serendipity going. All sorts of random good fortune and synchronicity will come your way. You will also have plenty of bad luck too.
  3. Well, you're wrong about that. Truth is a very tricky thing. Which is why Awakening is required to understand it. No unawakened person knows what Truth is, nor do most so-called awakened people. In the end Truth is very simple, but your mind is so full of wrong ideas about it that you are all tangled up and confused. Just take a moment to look closely at your hand. That's Absolute Truth.
  4. Of course Russian police are scary. They are all corrupt as the devil. Americans don't even know what corruption is.
  5. But it is a Mind. It is Imagination. That's what God is. You need a more advanced notion of Mind. Mind as an absolute, not as relative. You are treating mind as a relative thing, which of course doesn't go deep enough.
  6. @Scholar Humans have been seperating themsleves into classes since the beginning of civilization. Nothing new there. Of course improving society overall will address the root of addiction. Although even in a great society or community there are addicts.
  7. No, I just respect myself too much to drink.
  8. Of course there will still be plenty of addicts. There will be addicts regardless.
  9. I think that issue can be solved by prohibiting any marketing of these chemicals. It could also be solved by having government manufacture it as a cheap generic.
  10. Because to improve society requires taking power away from people who have hoarded it. Which requires upsetting the current order. Progress always threatens the existing order. Conservatives tend to be those who benefit the most from the existing order.
  11. I have been contemplating this issue some more and wanted to say that it's unclear what the net effect of selling cocaine and heroin at the pharmacy would be. It might be a net negative. This would need to be trialed and tested to measure its impact on communities. This is a complex issue with no easy answers.
  12. Your current experience is Absolute Truth. You are over-complicating it. Truth does not mean you have to experience everything. Whatever your experience happens to be, that's Truth.
  13. I have done all my clubbing and partying without a drink of alcohol. It's exactly the same, the only difference is you never drink.
  14. The contradiction would be hesitating.
  15. If you have good health it is entirely because of your genetics. If one bit of your DNA was off, you'd be dead. You just take all this for granted. And you will continue to do so until you lose your health for reasons you cannot control.
  16. As I said, conservative policy tends to serve those in power, which leads to stuff like deregulation which then leads to collapses. In practice conservatives have little integrity and are not principled. All their morals and discipline files out of the window once they gain power. It just becomes one big self-dealing exercise. But of course liberals are also guilty of this, just less so. Being a conservative with actual integrity is a very rare thing. And such people get drowned out by all the fake conservative posers like Trump. Being a high-integrity conservative is very difficult.
  17. Of course we have many environmental issues that require tackling.
  18. @How to be wise How do you explain the good results Portugal has been having with their policy?
  19. He has become a caricature of himself.
  20. The biggest problem is that higher temp causes water levels to rise which then dislocates millions of people. Desertification also dislocates millions of people. This then causes mass immigration which leads to geopolitical problems and wars. That's the biggest danger with climate change. It's a geopolitical problem more than an envirnomental problem.
  21. Whenever you feel like it.
  22. The planet can certainly handle massively higher levels of CO2 and temperature. The Earth was thriving at temperates 10 degrees above today and CO2 levels 3x higher. That was the dinosaur era. The only problem is that the transitions are very distruptive and cause lots of short-term death. And not ideal for humans. What's good for the Earth vs what's good for humans are very different things. Also the problem is that humans operate on too short of a timeframe relative to the Earth. There is no danger of humans destroying life on Earth. The only danger is temporary suffering, largely to ourselves.
  23. I get it. It went through it. You just gotta focus on the growth and the adventure of it rather than the rejection. I stopped caring about rejection at all at some point. It doesn't even register in my mind if some girl ignores or rejects me. I will laugh at her. It was extremely difficult for me too. But that challenge is what makes it so rewarding once you conquer it. So just learn to be more optimistic. You must drop that competiton framing. I never think about flirting with girls as a competition. Rather it's about molding yourself into a more extroverted, humorous, fun guy. You're not in a battle with other men, you're in a battle with yourself to build social skill. Also, social status and value can be built. For example, you can build a cool circle of friends. Or you can build up a career that also gives you some social status. You can design these things. For example, you can host parties. You can become a leader of your social circle. These things are within your control. You gotta stop fixating on getting the girl and focus more on building skill and enjoying your time out. If you go out and have 3hrs of fun and you improve your skill by 1% that's a win. The girl is truly irrelevant in this.
  24. Sounds like you're just overthinking it. You gotta learn to take the early stages of datings less seriously. Treat it as an adventure and exploration. Don't think too far ahead in this domain.