Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. Girls give out numbers to hundreds of guys. They are not restrictive about this at all. As for dates, girls can easily get dates with random guys, so they need to be selective.
  2. It's a really difficult problem. Meth is real bad.
  3. No it isn't. Except maybe the holotropic breathing. Yes, that's good. Yes. What's necessary is deep questioning of reality.
  4. Probably. More important than all that is addressing your pscyhological baggage and trauma, and doing contemplation into the metaphysics of reality.
  5. I found it useless. If you want to learn from Sadhguru you must go to his in-person trainings.
  6. @Bobby_2021 Thanks for that link. It's classic pimp behavior. The Tates were simply digital pimps.
  7. No, you can't because many properties of physics only work at certain scales and not others. If you notice, the nervous system of small creatures operates differently than that of large creatures because within a large creature it takes longer for nerves to conduct signals because they are much longer. Which is why an elephant's reaction time is so much slower than a fly's.
  8. Certainly that's possible. Hard to say because we don't have good statistics. It also depends on how much inner work you've done and how primed your mind is. Many people will not see God because they first have to clear out various psychological baggage and blockages. So it can take many trips before you start seeing God.
  9. Because a girl gets very attached after sex, so she has to be very selective. The amount of rejection has not changed. Girls have been rejecting guys since the dawn of time.
  10. There is no soul. There is only Consciousness. The body is inside of Consciousness, Consciousness is not inside a body. Another way to frame it is that everything is soul/spirit. In this sense the soul is not in the body, the body is part of soul.
  11. It baffles me how Prigozhin was foolish enough to do such a weak, half-assed coup attempt on Putin. Suicidally foolish. If you go after Putin you better nuke the whole Kremlin.
  12. That's not a good way to frame it. You're sorta trying to impose a materialistic framing on the whole situation, which then makes it seem more absurd than it actually is.
  13. Of course you can but that takes skill and experience which most beginners will not have.
  14. Yup, that's the power of going out. Good work. Red pill and black pill are cancer.
  15. It doesn't follow that he can transfer that into this life. Even memory doesn't have to transfer. Psychedelics states can be so radical that they do not store well in human memory. What you gotta keep in mind is that time is imaginary, so this idea of "did he REALLY spend 30 years there?" is not a very good one because those 30 years are not some objective fact, they are a dream within consciousness. So yeah, on salvia you could dream some crazy stuff, like spending 30 years in another life. That's not a mistake, that's how consciousness works at the deepest levels. The whole point of taking salvia is to erase the distinction between 30 years being objectively real vs imaginary. If you take enough psychedelics that distinction will disappear because it is dreamed up by consciousness in the first place. So this trip report could be accurate from his POV.
  16. It's important to distingush between knowledge vs understanding/comprehension. Knowledge is conceptual and thought-based. Understanding is something deeper and more fundamental. Consciousness has the capacity to comprehend situations, which is a pre-linguistic thing. Comprehension tends to come naturally after a certain amount of experience. However, you can still strip the comprehension away and just have direct experience without any comprehension.
  17. In that case I would order a club soda. Backlash is very rare. What can happen is not so much backlash as a socially awkward situation. For example, I lost a few girls when they invited me to smoke weed with them but I didn't want to smoke. It lead to a socially awkward situation which ruined the vibe of the interaction. So that kind of thing can happen. No
  18. Stop consuming manosphere trash content.
  19. In a certain sense it did by getting you lots of cheap products in stores at mass scale. Of course it doesn't solve wealth inequality.
  20. That's not correct. Millionaires and billions use capital to build businesses, make investments, and create jobs. You're thinking in term of only consumer goods which is very limited. The point of having millions and billions is to use it to do projects that could not be done any other way, not to buy cars and yachts. And this is very important for the advancement of the economy and technology.
  21. Not even close. It would be wise of you to bother to understand why politics exists and why anarchism does not.
  22. No, Mind is the perfect name for it. You could also call it Consciousness. Has nothing to do with cheesecake. 1) It doesn't imply that. 2) I could also say that you calling it existence implies a duality (non-existence).
  23. That's what they said about Prohibition and weed.
  24. I suggest you stop thinking about finding love and just focus on socializing consistenty. And then things will just work themselves out. You will have an abundance of people to love. More than you can handle.