Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. This used to be more true in the old days. But today in a 1st world country a woman can also go celebate and easily provide for herself.
  2. What is the problem? Yes It's both. It's the current state but you could also be in a higher state. Consciousness can have endless states.
  3. Sure, but that will never produce DMT consciousness. Not even close.
  4. I did it but that kind of stuff has zero effect on me. No energetic guru tricks work on me.
  5. There are many women mystical people but female spirituality is different in style. They are more like witches, fortune tellers, Reiki people. Example: Teal Swan. Strict nonduality/awakening has a masculine bias baked into it. Most women will not find it appealing. However they will find stuff like yoga or witchcraft appealing.
  6. Make higher quality posts.
  7. Women in porn are psychologically damaged to begin with. No healthy woman would go into porn.
  8. No. But it might make them a bit safer physically because illegal activity attracts the scummiest, most dangerous people.
  9. A software neural network should be able to handle such tasks better in the long-run.
  10. I don't ignore those factors. Those factors matter, but they assume a decent genetic foundation. People who hyper-focus on nutrition and exercise are actually people who have great baseline genetics and they fool themselves that it's their nutrition and exercise which gave it to them, when that's not the case. This is a very common point of self-deception within the whole health industry. A person with bad genetics will never be as healthy as a person with good genetics no matter how good he eats and no matter how bad the healthy person eats.
  11. That you care about this is already the biggest problem in your game. To be effective at game you must completely desensitize yourself to rejection. Otherwise you are like a boxer who's afraid to get punched. You can't be a good boxer that way.
  12. They will always make a new drug illegal if it becomes popular enough.
  13. There can be many levels of "delusion" as you call it. I have used psychedelics to clear up a lot of my own misconceptions about spirituality and consciousness. Now I understand consciousness much deeper than I ever could have otherwise. You can have mystical experiences through yoga and meditation, but that's far from the insane consciousness you can get from DMT or 5-MeO. I am not aware of any technique that I can do to reach DMT-levels of consciousness. Not even close. It's just a whole different ballpark. There is no substitute for DMT or 5-MeO.
  14. I practiced it for about a month until I realized that Kriya yoga was superior. Sadhguru does not teach a potent form of yoga to newbies. You must go through many of his training programs to access his best techniques and I had no interest in jumping through all those hoops. Kriya yoga gives you the best techniques immediately.
  15. I just prefer to flirt with whoever I like. Why be so anal and covert?
  16. You're not going to have 5-MeO levels of consciousness as baseline. That's impossible from what I currently understand.
  17. His online course does not teach any serious techniques. Don't waste your time and just learn Kriya yoga from a book. Sadhguru rarely does the trainings. It's almost always his assistants. I did one live training. I forget what it was called. Kriya yoga from the book is more powerful.
  18. That's a nonsense strategy. Most women will not give you any IOIs. You should not wait for IOIs to approach. However, what is a good strategy is to approach a lot and quickly screen her for receptivity. Once you gain a few years of experience, you will be able to tell if a girl is receptive to you within 10-20 seconds. This is a very efficient strategy. You should not care at all whether a woman rejects you.
  19. It's more complicated than that. Older women have less options so they can be easier. But also they are less reckless so that can be harder.
  20. Most women who do that are really young, immature, inexperienced, drunk, and stupid. They haven't yet figured out how guys use them.
  21. They get used for sex and discarded. Women require commitment from men, hence they must be selective.
  22. Girls give out numbers to hundreds of guys. They are not restrictive about this at all. As for dates, girls can easily get dates with random guys, so they need to be selective.
  23. It's a really difficult problem. Meth is real bad.