Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. @RawJudah I'll do another leadership video in the future.
  2. You would be a fan of Marquis De Sade's work.
  3. I didn't say it was useless, I said it's a trap in the context of offering massive value and solving problems.
  4. Confidence simply comes from massive experience. You can develop confidence in all those areas by gaining a lot of experience working on them. Move to a big city, talk to 5000 girls, and you will have confidence in dating. Go to the gym every day for 5 years and you will have confidence in the gym. Etc. You can consistently work on these areas to develop mastery. Daily, consistent practice is the key.
  5. Cheers!
  6. So I've decided to give this tour a shot. The details are still yet to be determined but tentatively I'm hoping to visit about 10 cities in the next year around the US. This tour would happen in 3 phases: Phase #1: Los Angeles, San Fran, Seattle Phase #2: Phoenix, Dallas, Chicago, NY Phase #3: Austin, Atlanta, Miami Perhaps not in exactly that order, but something akin to that. We will adjust cities based on demand. But Phase #1 seems fairly certain to happen in that order. It would work as follows: I would fly into the city on Friday Around 6-7pm on Friday we would meet in a hotel conference room where I would give a talk on some new topic followed by some group exercises and Q&A. This would all last about 2-3 hrs long in total, with about 10-30 people attending (depending on demand). This would perhaps be followed by a dinner at a local eatery, depending on crowd size. Probably limited to 10 people max as it gets unwieldy with a party over 10. Cost: estimated around $30/person Cost of attending dinner: some amount just to keep the group to 10 max + you pay for your dinner I would visit at least 1 city per month, maybe as much as 1 city every 2 weeks. The schedule would vary to avoid conflict with holidays but the meetings would be held on Friday evenings. Locations outside USA are too cost and time prohibitive right now. Europe might be possible if and when Phase #3 is successfully completed, but that's too early to talk about yet. I'm doing this in phases because I have no idea yet how many people would show up in which cities. If fewer than 10, it's not really worth doing due to the expenses of travel, hotel, meeting room, car, and time. 10-30 would be ideal for now. More than 30 requires larger, more expensive meeting rooms but I doubt we'll have this problem at this stage. If there is interest I might also design a one-day mini-workshop which I would teach on the following day: Saturday. With the idea being that if you like the Friday talk and you want to do a more in-depth training the following day, that might cost $100-$200 for let's say a 4-hour training. This extra mini-workshop day would help cover my costs of travel and it would be a good learning experience for you. But for the mini-workshop to be practical there would have to be at least 5 people paying. Otherwise it's not worth the hassle. The trick in planning this out is that I have no idea how many people would be interested in this in each of the above cities, let alone show up. The only way to find out is to actually schedule the dates and do it. So I will probably be making concrete plans shortly for Los Angeles, San Fran, & Seattle. After those 3 are complete we could assess how things went, make improvements, and schedule new cities. Or, if not enough people show up, then Phase #1 will be the end of this experiment. Let me know what ya'll think. This would probably only work if those who want to attend can convince 1 or 2 friends to come as well. One of the biggest benefits of these meet ups would be the ability to network and make friends with self-actualizers in your city. So you don't just get to meet me, but you get to make some new local friends who are into this work who you can hang out with for years to come. I'm excited to do some talking and socializing in the non-digital realm
  7. Not sure. I haven't been keeping track of my fear. Over 100.
  8. That's a great question for you to contemplate. Of course. Sounds kinda weak. What if you offered a lot of value immediately?
  9. The key there is to make sure that it's actually adding value to people and not just noise.
  10. The best way is to do work and actually build something that offers massive value to people. Talk and criticism is cheap and ineffective. The biggest trap is criticizing others. This solves nothing.
  11. Sales is perfectly suited for certain personality types. Like extreme extroverts. Sales is hell for extreme introverts. But that's also why it would make you grow quickly.
  12. Basically yes. However this is a very rare situation and also people can get very delusional about it. It's not so easy to sort out the delusion from the legit matters. There is plenty of trans-ideology stuff which is delusional, even though some people need genuine and serious gender affirmative care. It is important to distiguish the legit medical needs vs the ideology. What I dislike is gender and trans ideology. Because I dislike all ideology. It's like the difference between pickup vs pickup ideology. Pickup has great stuff in it, but the ideology around it is toxic. And unfortunately the two almost always come bundled together.
  14. Example: You can get used to 5-MeO-DMT consciousness, even very high doses. They will cease terrifying you. But then you do salvia or DPT and you will shit bricks. 5-MeO-DMT never terrifies me anymore. But other chemicals do.
  15. 8 years ago: https://www.actualized.org/articles/how-to-be-a-leader
  16. Haha Only if you never seriously increase consciousness. If you ain't terrified you ain't increasing consciousness much.
  17. You have to look at it objectively, from an absolute POV. From an absolute POV feeling terrible is no better or worse than feeling good. The very notion of better or worse does not exist at the absolute level. How you feel about a thing does not mean anything in the absolute sense.
  18. I have not deleted any accounts in the last 30 days.
  19. Isn't it the case that freedom of speech does not exist in the Canadian founding documents? How can a Canadian plead freedom of speech protections? I am unfamiliar with Canadian law so someone please enlighten us.
  20. In 99% of the cases accounts are banned, not deleted. 1% of the time sometimes people ask for their account to be deleted for personal reasons. People have the ability to hide their own old posts. Which they sometimes do for personal and privacy reasons.
  21. Bartending would be great. Sales jobs that work on commission are also great.