Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. That's a very serious question. It's not clear how deep that rabbit hole goes. You'd have to crawl down it and see. I don't know. An incoherent thing is like a triangle with 4 sides. Even God does not seem to be able to imagine that. Although maybe in some higher state of consciousness even that is possible. A demon is quite easily coherent. A demon is no more impossibpe than a kangaroo.
  2. Anything that can be imagined coherently can be real.
  3. Determinism is the wrong notion. Reality is Absolute. Your goal should be to grasp what Absolute means.
  4. No. I will never follow any dogmatic path. Ever. I don't care what it promises me.
  5. @Davino I prefer: Oh God I know you're everything, all-encompassing Infinity, please manifest to me in a slice of pizza!
  6. He just shared a clip. Nothing wrong with that.
  7. Of course all finite things are infinite. The spider is Infinity. Good job getting it. Very advanced.
  8. Just cause most demons are fake doesn't mean all of them are.
  9. Interesting. I don't believe in genetics. I have never had a problem getting laid. All I have to do is just show up and say Hi. -- Brad Pitt
  10. I propose that you are being too flippant and taking your own privelge and health for granted. All of that assumes a healthy stable mind, which is not something you have control over. If you had schizophrenia your theory would crumble. It's so easy for a healthy person to say, you're not a victim. That's like Brad Pitt telling incels, Just walk up and say Hi.
  11. What about people who hear demonic voices in their head which they cannot stop or control? It's easy to dismiss as transient if it actually is. But what if it isn't? You're assuming a certain stability of mind.
  12. I tried but it never really worked for me. Maybe I would need to try harder, but there's only so much I can do at a time. All of these spiritual things hinge upon people being genetically suited to it. It works easily for some and not at all for others. You can waste years of your life trying to make a thing work which you are not genetically suited for. You have to prioritize your time and energy well. It is murky waters. You can't know ahead of time what will work for you or others.
  13. You're doing great. I'm just adding the next layer to it. Like an extra credit assignment.
  14. Slippery is my middle name
  15. @Thought Art That gives me an idea for a cereal brand for Christians. All the bits are either G, O, or D. That's a billion dollar idea right here. Christians will eat it up. Pay Jordan Peterson to be the mascot. You can make so much money trolling Christians.
  16. I'm not Australian but I can meet a kangaroo.
  17. We were fascist rats all along! Ta-daaaa! See first line of Leo's bible.
  18. Their rewiring ability is less than I hoped. The manual effort of meditation forces rewiring better. But it takes 100s of consecutive hours. An hour of meditation is not going to rewire anything. You gotta really stress the brain like torture. So rewiring has this nasty cost which no one wants to pay. Every tool has its costs and tradeoffs. There's not an ideal tool.
  19. There is some truth to that. But still, language capacity should not be associated with ego. Do you really want to claim that all spiritual masters never transcended ego just because they can speak a language? Not a good standard to set. Sure, of course such states of consciousness are possible. But that doesn't undermine the language-rich states. I'm not specifically speaking of Puporing. Just making a broader point. Of course both are true. And more complexity beyond that. It's certainly easy to mix ego, self-deception, and genuine mystical experiences of Christ together into an elaborate fantasy. That's mostly what I would say advanced Christians are doing. But there is this extra weirdness of Consciousness where if you start buy into your fantasy deeply enough it starts to become reality. That's why stuff like faith works. In the purely Infinite state God can't really even comprehend itself because it's too formless, because comprehension requires some degree of form. But the mistake here is to then say that comprehension is somehow not needed or inferior and that formless is the only goal.
  20. Don't get hung up on English specifically. My point is not limited to English. It also applies to God communicating to you through spiral shapes, Aztec faces, space rats, geometric orbits, dancing jesters, flashing colors, emotions, or anything else. Those are all mediums for Intelligence to create self-understanding. My point is to appreciate how the finite medium enables self-understanding and not to attempt to reduce it down. So when a Christian sees Jesus in his pancake, there's something profound happening there beyond the naive literalist account of it.
  21. That's an overly-broad notion of ego. A mind knowing English should not be called ego. Because ego can be lost but English will still remain operative. I suggest being more precise in your application of the ego label. What precisely is and is not ego? << something to contemplate Not a meaningful difference. Both are happening and both are important. But even if you're talking to yourself, explaining the world to yourself, making sense of the world to yourself, that's no different than a conversation with God. Intelligence needs a medium to do its work. Thoughts are a medium for Intelligence to create self-understanding. My point is actually very profound and important: be careful not to fall into the trap of reductionism, reducing down Consciousness to some formless abstraction. Intelligence/God needs mediums to operate through, and this should not be reduced or dismissed. Intelligence through the medium of Chinese or rat awakening is equally valid and important. The limitations of the medium should not be reduced to delusions or inferiority. It takes insane intelligence to receive a message through a limited medium but not attribute the limits of the medium to the communication. You receive the message and you acknowledge, this medium was limited, and there's nothing wrong with that, that's part of the genius and beauty of God. The limitation of the medium itself needs to be integrated into your understanding of Reality. The medium is not just a limitation, it's also equally an affordance. This is a higher intelligence than just dismissing every form as being limited.
  22. Oh, you are definitely an evil entity
  23. There is no irony. Psychedelics are still the king of consciousness. The only issue is that you can't be on them all the time -- which is not news.
  24. But your insights and understanding of God still comes to you in English. Even when you think, "Oh my God!" on your DMT peak, that's God communicating to you in English. Not necessarily. It could just be a medium of communication. Sound needs a medium to reach your ears.