Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. Link to threats of violence or rape and I will investigate.
  2. I meant relative to other forms of Blue Christianity like Catholics or Evangelicals. In the end every Christian is an idiot. As is every Buddist.
  3. Looks like you activated some energy in your system. Don't worry about it. It's okay and it will pass.
  4. There is a point it trying other chems, but there is also a point to working deep with one chem. You have not even begun to exhaust this one chem yet. Of course Probably not. Still cheaper than therapy or anything else. $150/10 = $15/trip. That's not so bad. Cheap in the grand scheme of things. Don't expect psychedelics to change your baseline.
  5. Think of it like this: consciousness can take on various forms. Each form is like an ice cream flavor. Objectively speaking no ice cream flavor is superior to any other. If you like one flavor other another that's due to a bias you have. Can you see that all ice cream flavors are equally good?
  6. There is such a thing as Blue spirituality, and I don't just mean dogma and ideology. Consider someone like a Ned Flanders. In real life such a person would have some spiritual widsom and even legit mystical experiences because he takes his Christianity so seriously and actually does some spiritual practices.
  7. Not surprising. People who take religion seriously and practice it for decades end up making some gains which materialists do not. That's stage Blue.
  8. @The Redeemer Watch yourself or you will get a ban soon. You keep spreading toxicity here. This forum is not a place to vent all your gripes against another gender. No woman would even want to be on this forum with you after the things you say, never mind in person.
  9. We can sell those suckers all our crypto.
  10. There is a certain joy to anally probing a human with your own two hands.
  11. @The Redeemer The more you blame women the worse your problems will get.
  12. Those online estimates of celeb net worth are notoriously wrong. They are mostly just guesses. And in Tate's case all it's based on is his own words. Of course Tate is lying about his net worth because that's how he gets dumb young guys to look up to him and buy his courses.
  13. @The Redeemer Have you noticed that all your posts about dating and women are constantly blaming them?
  14. That number is quite normal. Pickup has a steep learning curve. Results should be judged not by lays but responsive phone numbers, dates, good interactions, etc. Especially in the beginning.
  15. Very cool. Cheers!
  16. Yup, it's hard. Stick with it, don't quit.
  17. Here we go! Now that sentence is serious as cancer.
  18. All his money comes from sex trafficking women and teaching other men to do the same. So excuse me if I don't give two fucks about how much of it he says he donates. If you believe a sociopath, you're an utter fucking fool. I hope Tate takes all your money and donates half of it to charity. Maybe that will wake you up. The notion that you can donate your way out of a serious crime is deeply wrong.
  19. 1) Why would you trust him? 2) If Elon Musk rapes someone and donates some money to charity, does that absolve him of the rape? 3) I don't believe Tate has $25M in his lifetime, never mind that he donated that much in one year.
  20. 1) Before you start worrying, give it more time. Allow at least 1 week to pass to return to baseline. 2) Avoid MDMA, it's not a healthy chemical.