Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. Ralston is not being coy. He just isn't conscious what Love is because of the way he frames consciousness in his mind. Framing matters that much. How you frame things determines what you are able to recognize. He does not frame psychedelics nor mind properly either.
  2. No, they tend to be full of crap. It's the New Age which Ralston seems to be reacting against. But he takes it too far in the opposite direction. Ralston treats Love like it's some feel-good, New Agey hippie invention. But that's a strawman. That's not what is being said when it is said that God Is Love.
  3. That's because you're dealing with issues which are very complex and also poorly defined. What does "mindfulness" even mean? Ask 10 people and they will give you 10 different definitions. The reason something like math works is because it's very strictly defined.
  4. Ralston has mistaken love for a human emotion. He's not actually conscious of what love is. Ralston suffers from an overly narrow, reductionist notion of consciousness. Same mistake as the Buddhists make. In the end, if you never realize that God is Love, all your enlightenments are a game.
  5. They like it when a politician takes bold action towards a larger vision which he sold them. A politician doesn't sell policy, he sells a general vision or ethos, such as: "Stop the woke crap" or "Down with corporate power".
  6. The key is to focus on your strengths, what's you're good at, and your passions. No one will care what university you went to unless it was like Harvard. And even then, you competence and experience matters way more. You can find girls to hook up with at any college.
  7. As the forum grows, we want to preserve the cream of the crop. This will be especially useful for attracting newbies. This thread is intended to be a place to link to the best, most helpful topics of this sub-forum. Meaning, any topics which are found in the "Meditation, Consciousness, Enlightenment, Spirituality" sub-forum which you think are particularly juicy, link them here. I will then periodically update this post with links to the best topics. Please don't link to topics from the Self-Actualization sub-forum, or other sub-forums, here. By "best" we mean: topics which are popular, or highly up-voted, or which contain lots of useful resources. Please be selective with your suggestions. We want the cream of the crop here. Best Of: The 5-MeO-DMT Mega Thread Meditation Techniques Mega Thread Music To Inspire Enlightenment, Meditation, & Personal Development Enlightenment One-liners Sharing Our Favorite Enlightenment Videos 5-meo-dmt | Trip Report #3: On Being God Enlightenment Jokes Here A Challenge To Everything You Think You Know MDMA and Spirituality 4 Grams Psilocybin Trip Report: That Was Intense Secrets Of Concentration - Part 1 Enlightenment Quotes Paradoxical Quotes
  8. No doubt in the long-term view the US played a big role provoking this war. The issue is that the US feels entitled to expand itself as far as it wants. This is part of the US arrogance, exceptionalism, and bias. But Putin is also not innocent in how we conducts this war. Putin has no respect for Ukrainian sovereignty. If he could he would incorporate Ukraine into Russia. The real cause of this war was that Ukraine started allying itself with the West, slowly infected with Western culture, and there was no way Putin was going to sit by and let that happen. Putin believes Ukraine belongs to the East. And he does not respect Ukraine's decision to side with the West culturally. So in a sense it's a literal culture war.
  9. I don't think he needs anyone to tell him how brilliant he is. He's got that covered himself. Which then becomes the problem.
  10. I don't think it's greed. I think it's about power and influence. He wants to impose his will on the world because he thinks he knows best.
  11. Musk needs someone to blame for the disaster he created.
  12. I can't relate with that. It's never felt like a curse to me. Perhaps the problem is how you're holding it.
  13. It doesn't much matter if your goal is feeling comfortable. But there is another pursuit at play here which is truth and pure understanding. If you are trying to understand reality it matters very much that you recognize all of your biases as biases and don't confuse them with something fundamental. The issue you're having is that you're not appreciating how much bias distorts your whole understanding of reality, and then how much that distorts how you live life. Self-deception matters in the long-run.
  14. Whether it's worth it very much depends on the individual and what you want out of life. It was worth it for me. But my values are quite different from most humans. It's a matter of values and personality type.
  15. Yes, that's possible but when taking psychedelics this is not common so don't jump to conclusions and don't panic.
  16. I did try it but I never had parasites so I can't say how good it is. You don't lose anything from trying it. Definitely better to try it first before moving onto prescription drugs. Prescription drugs can have nasty side-effects. I've tried albendazole too.
  17. The hangover you feel the next day is the only resource you need. Listen to your body. It's not complicated.
  18. Black walnut for 2 weeks.
  19. The way girls work is that if she is actually attracted to you she will chase you and invest. If she is not investing she's not really attracted to you. But guys are so desperate to sleep with her that they cannot take the hint and keep trying to chase her, whichs end in frustration. One of the most important things pickup teaches you is how to quickly screen if a girl is attracted to you. This is the key to effective game. You should tell within a few minutes if she's into you. And do not waste your time trying to convince girls who aren't already into you.