Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. Realizing Truth is easy relative to the consciousness I am talking about. But even so, your understanding of Truth is quite weak. You've reduced Truth down to some kind of formless atom, as the Buddhists and nondualists do. This is not a complete understanding of Truth and leads to much self-deception. I'm perfectly clear on what Truth is. You're not fooling me with such gambits. No. But that sure is a nice way for you to rationalize to yourself that you have outsmarted me. I find it interesting how easily you guys take me for an idiot. You really think I haven't thoroughly considered this? Like I just overlooked it like some kind of bumbling amateur? Consciousness comes in many degrees. You are confusing this with the notion of Truth. Your entire nondual enlightenment spirituality is anthropomorphic and human. You don't even understand what a non-human consciousness is. What I talk about is the least anthropomorphic thing any human has ever talked about. I never claimed it was. You just don't understand my position on Truth.
  2. No, you literally can't see alien red because your mind is so utterly brainwashed with all the human nondual nonsense you've learned. But as someone who has seen alien red, it's perfectly clear to me that you have not. And no amount of your gaslighting will change that. This is so obvious because your mind is not even open to the idea of it. Nevermind actually doing the work necessary to reach it. And so, by your own infinite power of closedmindedness and self-deception you will remain only seeing red. And from your POV that's all there will ever be. But you made it that way. I offered you the alien red pill and you slapped it out of my hand. Okay. Stay human.
  3. Everyone is different so you gotta decide for yourself what you need to spur you along. The human stuff is fine as long as you don't trapped in it. But everyone I know does. But maybe human is all you want. Don't just blindly copy me. Figure out what it is you want out of spirituality. It's like a buffet out there. Just cause I dine on alien chicken wings doesn't mean you have to.
  4. I'm not trying that hard. It's pretty easy. If I didn't tell you, how would you know? Would you be smart enough to figure it out yourself? You think you're smarter than Ralston?
  5. That is a nice achievement. However, there's more. Alien Consciousness What you have so far is merely human.
  6. Lol. Scam-o-rail. @jimwell If you invest in that shit I hope you lose all your money.
  7. I'm not trying to convince you that I'm God. I'm trying to convince you that you're God. Meanwhile others are trying to convince you of the opposite.
  8. Of-fucking-course! Everything I talk about in this domain is not just a direct awakening but direct awakening on top of direct awakening until you are shitting blood on the floor. You guys cannot begin to imagine my awakening. Bliss is a valid thing, but it is not the same thing as realizing that Consciousness is Love. You can have one without the other and vice versa. Bliss is best associated with feelings. Bliss comes and goes as a feeling.
  9. Have you not heard that God is Omniscient and God is Love? Even Christian dopes know this. Yet you expect me to believe you are somehow too "enlightened" for this?? Lol. Ralston is too enlightened for this?? Don't gaslight me.
  10. As I have said many times, my vow is to consciousness, not to your human games. Stop spreading bullshit on my forum. Your enlightenment is bullshit. I reject it categorically. You do not understand what Consciousness is, what God is, what Love is. And you are infecting others with your ignorance.
  11. It has EVERYTHING to do with it! You lack the intelligence necessary to understand CONSCIOUSNESS. The only genes that matter are your smarts. All your meditation is bullshit. You will NEVER meditate your way out of lack of intelligence.
  12. @Inliytened1 Your only problem is that you've actually managed to convince yourself that you are smarter than me. No one here has out-awoken me, out-smarted me, out-meditated me, out-enlightened me. You've just fooled yourselves. Over and over again you make the same mistake.
  13. @Inliytened1 And you are full of shit too. You guys keep playing your stupid games. Like monkeys swinging in the branches. And then you cry when I throw a rock at your stupid head.
  14. @Osaid You have no idea what Consciousness is. I repeat. No one on this planet understands AWAKENING except for me. Not you. Not Ralston. Not any other "enlightened" twat. Enlightenment is horseshit invented by a dumb mind.