Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. Biden and Trudeau are Orange/Green. Teal is a freak of nature so she'll be hard to map on that model. Green and above + a spiritual freak. Spiral Dynamics does not account for spiritual freaks.
  2. @blackchair How dare you undercount my posts!
  3. Don't pollute this thread with crap, fake alien stories.
  4. I've recently reached a point where I don't even try to improve anymore. It's paradoxical. All that trying is a sort of shtick. But it's good when you're young and starting out. Don't misapply this late-stage advice.
  5. Linguistics?? You mean English. Yes, English is important if you want to speak in English on nuanced matters.
  6. I do not agree at all. By any sane scientific measure the rapid Covid vaccine saved millions of lives.
  7. Well, luckily it only lasted like 20 seconds. Just a glimpse into the sun Frankly, DMT has left me once bitten, twice shy. Like salvia.
  8. @Osaid The biggest mistake you will ever make in your life is thinking you've outsmarted me on the nature of Consciousness.
  9. That's such a toxic mindset I would rather starve.
  10. In that case, I got a life lesson I wanna teach ya.
  11. No. DMT is just a totally different kind of consciousness than 5-MeO. You guys have yet to discover that there are totally different domains of consciousness that can be unlocked, each utterly unique.
  12. Okay, you guys have fun. I have lost my desire to share my pearls here. Ya'll are enlightened kings and love does not exist.
  13. The funny thing is that hoping for $100M to fall in your lap is such a toxic mindset. You would be much better off removing the idea from your mind of wanting free money which you did not earn.
  14. I got a question for all you lonely guys looking for hot girls: How would you feel if in your loneliest, horniest hour, a naked girl on a webcam promised to marry you, then swindled $10,000 from you, ditched you cold, and gave all that money to Tate so he could buy his Bugatti? Still a Tate fan?
  15. @Francis777 Yeah, that's sorta how it can feel like. It doesn't have to feel that way. That's just one way it can go. I only get it that strong from lots of DMT.
  16. Supplement is the easy way to make a lot of $$$.
  17. I create omelet. Omelet is God. Omelet is Good. Omelet creates me.
  18. No, the comprehension was purely abstract. It wasn't like a visual nightmare. But that pure abstraction of LOVE will be enough to horrify you all the same because in one fell swoop you comprehend it's cosmic ramifications. Imagine if you could take pure sugar and concentrated it a billion fold. So that 1 tablespoon = 1 billion spoons of sugar. And then you put that in your mouth. It would be so sweet it literally burns your tongue and make you gag. That's how pure LOVE works. If you became conscious of that much LOVE in one moment your whole human being would burn alive in it until it melted your body and mind into a uniform soup.
  19. It was like a nuclear bomb dropped on your head.
  20. You say that because you have not done the work to extract all human spiritual horseshit you have spent the last 10 years filling your skull with. I'm not doing this for you. I doing this for me, so I could eradicate your ignorance from my mind. I don't care if you continue to live in it. I will live in a different reality from you. And to do that I must stop taking anything you say seriously. Don't take it personally. It's not you, it's every human idea on this planet.