Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. Okay, no more derailing this thread with politics.
  2. Lol I hope Chomsky gets a titty-twister from Putin.
  3. That's more group-think than anything else. The truth that no one wants to face is that elite and non-elite Americans were both too biased and too ignorant to not go to war with the Middle East after 9/11. Which was exactly Osama Bin Laden's strategy. Bin Laden outsmarted the Americans but Americans are too proud and ignorant to admit it. No. A real democracy will have tons of group-think and bias.
  4. American media has enormous diversity today. You can find any flavor of media you want. So this is nonsense. During the Soviet Union you couldn't even watch Hollywood movies, they had to bought on the black market. I know cause my Dad made a business selling them. RT was a shameless Russian propaganda factory. That's just national group-think. Every free society will have their group-think. Again, this is just the bias of being American and appealing to Americans. American news media has to sell news that appeals to average Americans.
  5. Nothing has made America fall more than the conservative movement of the last 40 years. It's not the homeless you should be worried about, but leaders like Gingrich, Bush, Cheney, Trump, Matt Gaetz, Margery Taylor Green, Lauren Boebert, etc.
  6. This is such a ridiculus take from Chomsky. The Left is slowly losing their mind. Brand's politics is as scummy as his womanizing.
  7. More details on the story: https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-66831593 Seems like typical playboy behavior. Nothing surprising here to me. Did anyone really think Brand didn't use women for sex? How naive.
  8. Not for me. For some strange reason my DPT trips have morphed into realms of insanity consciousness. Quite distrubing and impractical. I try to avoid DPT. But your results will likely be different.
  9. A drunk girl's regret factor will be even higher when she is with a major celebrity like Brand. Celebrities can abuse their fame to easily get laid. If I'm at the club and I bumb into a girl who knows my work (very rare), I have to be extra careful not to abuse that position because it would be much easier to use her. I try not to hit on fans. So there's the factor of abuse of power here too. And then if you two are doing drugs together, that's an additional huge factor. I'm sure Brand has done a lot of drugs with girls. Those girls are then zonked out of their minds.
  10. The discussion is rape by women. Don't be dense.
  11. You never hear stories of a man crying: "I was drunk and she raped me."
  12. Rape is an asymmetrical thing. Drunk men don't have the problem of being raped.
  13. I seperate them, but not too strictly. There needs to be a revolving door there. One of the biggest problems in science is the siloing of research. Even just between different branches of science. All the branches need to interpenetrate with each other and spirituality. Science also involves 1st person observation. It always has. You can make 1st person observations more "solid" by cross-referecing with others. All science involves a lot of theory, which is never itself empirical. The epistemology I propose involves a lot of deconstructing and reconfiguration of the theoretical aspects of science. You can still continue to gather 3rd person data as usual. At this point our discussion has become too abstract and vague to be useful. Use specific examples if you want a productive discussion. Speaking of science and spirituality as these gross abstractions doesn't get you far. I don't see what you even want to know at this point. It is undeniable that science is held back by poor metaphysics, poor epistemology, poor theorizing, lack of spirituality, and materialism.
  14. I decided my take was gonna get misinterpreted so I took it down.
  15. It makes sense that he has shagged a lot of drunk or high girls and some of them might have regrets. You gotta think twice before pulling a drunk girl home. He might have been too drunk or high himself to even know the difference. As an addict he's had a very crazy life.
  16. What most people don't understand is that much of Middle East is stage Purple, Red, and Blue. Everywhere is less developed than it seems on the surface.
  17. Yes. As far as I can tell. Unsure since I don't drink. No. I am almost immune to caffeine. Genetics. There actually exists a gene which controls how caffiene affects you, for example. Many other genes would be unknown.
  18. @Forestluv You exist!
  19. @zurew Good! You're actually using your mind. A big problem with modern science is this very kind of logic. You are creating a false division between the two. If you want to reach the next paradigm shift in doing science, combine it with spirituality. Without that science is stuck. Especially psychology. How dare you attempt to do psychology -- the study of mind -- without accessing the highest dimensions of MIND?! How fucking dare you! Do you want revolutionary new science? Or do you want same old, same old? Well, new results require new methods. By definition these new methods must lie outside your comfort zone and outside what you consider "science". If it was within "science" then it wouldn't be new, it would be old. The whole point that everyone is missing is that science is ever-expanding. Not just expanding within your box, but beyond your box. Your box IS the whole problem! Science also requires validation and consciousness. The falsification definition of science is wrong and incomplete. Be careful not to limit science to that. You can design a study to have 1000 people snort 5-MeO-DMT for 30 days and analyze their results. By your limited logic pharmaceutical science isn't science. Also, your vision is so limited here. A scientist could use 5-MeO-DMT to generate revolutionary new insights into all kinds of material theories, like physics. I make many claims, some od which are too radical for 3rd person validation but many of then not. For example, I claim that humans can move objects with their minds or read other minds. This is easily verifiable in 3rd person. Scientists bullshit themselves all the time. Nothing unique there. I have made plenty of breakthrough insights into the nature of scientific method which you can validate for yourself pretty easily and which in the future will be taught in all future science classes. There's a lot more to this work than solpisistic 1st personal phenomenon. For example, there can be a whole new science of relgion and mysticism. You could make a whole new branch of genetic engineering which creates humans with highly mystical genetics and brains. I claim that you could literally genetically engineer a new species of humans who can move rocks with their minds. How's that for 3rd person verifiable. I hope one of them throws a rock are your silly skull! You are too focused on falsification. You should be more focused on validation. That's how most science is actually done. If you genetically engineer a new type of human who can lift rocks with his mind, you've validated my theory and you don't need to worry about falsification. Person A says it's impossible to read other minds. Person B says it's possible. Design an experiment where someone successfully reads another's mind. Case closed. Many insights come with real-world consequences. You could come up with predictions and consequences which are objectively verifiable. Well, I made a very broad claim there about metaphysics and it's purpose is to help open scientists' minds in a very broad way to allow them to do better science. I am not doing that science for you since I'm not in the business of science. But, for example, if I wanted to, I could train myself to become a theoretical physicist or experimental psychologist and make new breakthroughs in those fields. Of course that requires years of technical work. But the point is that my breakthroughs would only be possible thanks to my higher quality metaphysics. Again, consider the case of Einstien or Niels Bohr. Saying everything is imaginary is not very helpful. However, understanding that everything is imaginary gives you a solid foundation from which to do groundbreaking science. For example, if you understand that space is imaginary perhaps you can discover a teleport from Earth to another planet. Of course this still requires much technical work. But the point is that a materialist scientist wouldn't even believe that such teleporting was possible.
  20. Night and day.
  21. Yeah, well... that won't be true if you keep doing deep tripping. There is no chance that you will out-tough and out-bluster psychedelics. So think again.